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On-Campus Students Application Essay

Please submit a 500-word, well-conceived, well-organized essay with the music department application. The essay should address:

  • Why you choose to pursue a music degree.
  • Your reason(s) for applying to the Valley City State University music department.

In addition, answer two more questions from the list below:

  • Your achievements in music, drama, speech and debate.
  • Ways in which you can be a positive asset to the music department, based on your experiences, ambitions and talents.
  • An incident/person in your past that inspired you to pursue music as a career.
  • Your involvement in volunteer, civic, pre-professional or church activities, and the benefits derived by yourself and the community at large.

For those interested in Music Education:

  • The primary necessary characteristics of a good teacher.
  • The reasons you are particularly suited for a career in education.

*GPA (“B” average/3.0 GPA is required minimum for scholarship awards).
To be eligible for scholarship consideration, the application process (audition, theory placement examination, interview, and scholarship essay) must be completed/submitted by February 15th.


Do ONLY ONE of the following:

  • Either upload your essay here

  • Max. file size: 12 MB.
  • Or Email Essay to

  • (Music Department Chair)
  • Or Mail Essay to

  • Valley City State University
    Department of Music
    101 College Street Southwest
    Valley City, ND 58072
    1-800-532-8641, Ext. 3-7272
    FAX: 701-845-7264
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.