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Alumni Profiles

Ali Keller

Dec 2, 2024

Ali Keller and familyName: Ali Keller ’24
Current residence: Valley City, N.D.
Major/Minor: Master of Arts in Teaching

Did you work a full time job while earning your degree?
As I was pursuing my MAT, I was adjunct instructing here at VCSU in the Kinesiology and Human Performance (KHP) Department and also the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Valley City Public Schools.

What led you to earn your master’s degree from VCSU?
As a current Valley City resident, strength & conditioning coach for the local high school, adjunct professor at VCSU and busy mom of three, VCSU’s MAT program gave me the flexibility as well as the support I needed to complete my master’s degree in just under 2 years. The courses were all online but the instructors were all accessible as if they were in person courses.

Any favorite memories from your time at VCSU or people who helped you along the way that you would like to recognize?
I had the patience and support of my husband and kids along the way, and also all the amazing faculty in the KHP department here at VCSU, as well as my administrators at VCPS.