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Hotline 12.7.20

Dec 7, 2020

This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:

  • President’s Column: Changing campus landscape and celebrating success…
  • VCSU students connect with local elementary students
  • Emily Fenster attends virtual conference
  • COVID-19 testing to be held today at W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse
  • Put Care19 Alert app to work for you
  • Coronavirus update
  • Viking sports update
  • What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

The VCSU Hotline online newsletter is published weekly during the academic year. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 3 p.m. Friday. Please submit articles to

President’s Column: Changing campus landscape and celebrating success…

Dr. Alan LaFave, VCSU PresidentGreetings from Valley City State University!

I just returned to my office following an exciting “walk-through” of the new Center for the Arts. Several members of the new building’s steering committee were guided on a tour by Nate Lange from J.E. Dunn Construction. It was informative, impressive, and exciting, to say the least!

Construction projects are, by their nature, exciting to see unfold. The unseasonably mild weather has allowed progress to continue at a steady pace this fall. The concrete panel walls have enclosed the future concert hall space and the steel framing along the east side of the building is nearly complete. As we stood inside the concert hall, it was easy to envision future performances that the community will enjoy in that space.

In the coming weeks, the steel structure will wrap around the north and west sides of the building and the exterior walls will begin to be completed on the east side. Steel roofing panels are being welded in place on the east side and work inside the concert hall will begin soon.

The intricate nature of electrical, plumbing, conduit and steam lines can be seen in great detail in a building of this size. It’s understandable that the planning process took as long as it did for this facility.

For years we have imagined how this facility would transform our campus and community, and now we can visualize it much more clearly. As we walked from the east side of the Memorial Student Center, you could see the structure shaping the landscape to the west. The Center for the Arts will be an impressive site greeting campus visitors.

A project of this scale is a massive undertaking and would not be possible with the collaboration of numerous contractors. To date, more than sixty workers have already been involved with the construction of the project. We appreciate their efforts and continue to look forward to the finished product!

Go Vikings!

Interior shot of construction on Center for the Arts
Exterior photo of construction on Center for the Arts

Viking Time program supports area elementary students

 As the pandemic continues to affect our region, an innovative program has been designed to support our local youth. The VCSU School of Education (SEGS) maintains a valued partnership with Valley City Public Schools and has added another collaborative program this fall called Viking Time.

Elementary Education majors taking David Hanson’s Introduction to Education course initiated Viking Time, a virtual support system for identified students at Washington Elementary School. By pairing a university student with an elementary student, weekly ZOOM meetings offer friendship, homework help and emotional support as young students adapt to the many changes schools have needed to implement. Whether schools remain open or go online, this virtual connection of Viking Time continues throughout the entire semester.

There are currently six VCSU sophomores participating in this program, working with students in fourth, fifth and sixth grades. VCSU students benefit from virtual practicum hours where face-to-face observations may not exist.

There are many great schools, wonderful teachers, and inspiring leaders who are working creatively to provide students with the kinds of personalized and compassionate educational support needed. 

Emily Fenster attends virtual conference

Emily Fenster, Associate Professor of Sociology, attended the 2020 Southern & Midwestern Organization for Human Services Regional Collaborative Virtual Conference held online Oct. 2-3. The theme of the conference was “Rise Up! Hope is on the Horizon,” and attendees included educators, practitioners and students in human services. She attended sessions on a wide range of topics, including: being a change agent in helping professions; experiential learning in addiction education; the impacts of cultural bias in helping professions; and the benefits of a strength-focused mindset.

COVID-19 testing to be held today at the W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse, “The Bubble”

A free COVID-19 testing event for the VCSU and Valley City communities will be held today, Monday, Dec. 7,  from 1-2 p.m. at the W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse, “The Bubble”.

This event is a WALK-IN testing event. Colder temperatures have moved operations indoors. If you wish to be tested, please park your vehicle and enter through the west entrance. Handicap parking spaces and access are available at the east entrance. Preregistration at is encouraged; one only needs to register once.

Care19 Alert App

VCSU students and employees are strongly encouraged to download a free smartphone app, Care19 Alert, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy with technology developed by Apple and Google.

Find more information or download the app here.

Coronavirus Update

Stay informed about campus coronavirus information with the following resources. Click each link to learn more.

Vikings sports update

After a few postponements last week, the Valley City State University basketball teams are looking to get back on the court this weekend for their conference openers.

The Viking men and women are scheduled to host Presentation College for a doubleheader on Friday at 5:30/7:30 p.m. VCSU will then host Mayville State for games Saturday at 3/5 p.m. A limited amount of seats will be available for VCSU employees and students. Look for more information later this week.

Booster Board selling fan photos for VCSU basketball

The VCSU Booster Board is selling personal fan cutouts to help fill the stands at Viking basketball games. Cost is $25 for each photo. They will be displayed in the stands at all home games this season. Proceeds will benefit VCSU athletic scholarships. Send your photo to and submit payment to Deb Feuerherm in the VCSU athletic offices.

Upcoming athletic events

Dec. 11: WBB/MBB vs. Presentation College, 5:30/7:30 p.m.

Dec. 12: WBB/MBB vs. Mayville State, 3/5 p.m.

What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

Monday, December 7

Christmas in the Valley – 12 Day of Christmas through Dec. 18

Thursday, December 10

Hanukkah begins at sunset

7 a.m. Valley City Optimist meeting on zoom, Contact for information to join

Friday, December 11

5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Viking women’s and men’s basketball vs. Presentation College, W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse

Saturday, December 12

3 and 5 p.m. Viking women’s and men’s basketball vs. Mayville State University, W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse

Monday, December 14

Finals week begins

Thursday, December 17

SBHE Meeting on Teams

7 a.m. Valley City Optimist meeting on zoom, Contact for information to join