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President's Desk

President’s Column: Dedication to teaching and learning

Oct 29, 2024

McCarthy Hall's windows are removed and concrete work is being done outside the building.

Construction continues on McCarthy Hall. Windows will be installed soon and work has started on the enclosed foyer connection to McFarland Hall.

Greetings from VCSU!

VCSU is widely known and recognized for quality student experiences in and outside the classroom. This recognition continues to grow as evidenced by external ratings, national accreditations, graduate placement rates, increasing enrollments, and improved retention results.

Providing professional development opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff is a priority on our campus. We recently addressed this priority by welcoming Dr. Todd Zakrajsek on October 22 to provide a series of workshop sessions focused on learning, teaching, and engagement. Dr. Zakrajsek is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Faculty Development Fellowship at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He currently directs five Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and sits on two educationally related boards and several editorial boards for journals in teaching and learning. Dr. Zakrajsek an international speaker who is requested regularly for keynote presentations and campus workshops, having published and presented widely on the topic of effective teaching and student learning.

His workshops focused on strategies to help students and teachers succeed. He discussed ways to create engaging and motivating classroom environments that promote the best learning environments. He’s written several influential books, including “The New Science of Learning,” which offers valuable advice on improving study habits and the overall educational experience. Dr. Zakrajsek also addressed the challenges of online learning and provided tips for thriving in a digital environment. We were glad to welcome Dr. Zakrajsek to our campus to share his knowledge on these topics.

As we continue to enjoy the later days of fall, I’m pleased to report that progress on the McCarthy Hall renovation project is moving ahead nicely. Repair work has been completed on the southeast parapet (roof area), the third-floor framing is nearly complete, footings have been poured for the enclosed foyer connection to McFarland Hall, and windows will begin to be installed soon.

This facility will be game-changing for our outstanding education and technology education programs. With an anticipated opening of fall 2025, this will help address the continued critical need for teachers in the workforce.

Finally, I’d like to encourage you to consider donating to VCSU on the annual Day of Giving on November 14. The theme for this year’s event is “Row With Us.” We are excited to have the opportunity to help make a positive impact for student affordability and completion of their degree at VCSU. We are very grateful for our many supporters!

Go Vikings!