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Hotline 6.7.21

Jun 7, 2021

This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:

The VCSU Hotline online newsletter is published bi-weekly during the summer. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 3 p.m. Friday. Please submit articles to

President's Column: Recognition, support and satisfaction…

Dr. Alan LaFave, VCSU President

Our Viking family has had special moments for celebration during the past few weeks.

Recently, we gathered to recognize employees for years of service and special achievements at our annual employee recognition and retirement dinner. The evening was extra meaningful, as last year’s event was cancelled due to COVID restrictions. This large-scale event was hosted at the Valley City Eagles Club on May 13, 2021, and it was a pleasure to celebrate these milestone achievements in person, together.

More than 115 individuals were recognized for various awards including Difference Makers, Staff Employees of the Quarter, Degree and Certificate Completions, Promotion and Tenure, Student Advocates, Teacher of the Year, Faculty Excellence, Retirements and Years of Service.  Those receiving recognition were responsible for an impressive 1,115 total years of service to VCSU!  The eight retirees, as a group, represented 209 years of service! Many of those honored were recognized by their colleagues and supervisors with heartfelt messages of thanks. We were pleased to be joined by so many family members and friends. Seeing the dedication of our faculty and staff was inspirational.

We also had the opportunity to celebrate another annual tradition on May 21, 2021 – the VCSU Scholarship Auction at the Eagles Club in Valley City. The success of the auction was tremendous, and resulted in the largest amount in auction history raised for student scholarships! We extend our deepest thanks to all who attended, donated items or services, participated in the silent auction, or participated by bidding and purchasing items in the live auction.

Finally, I’d like to share some results of a NDUS system-wide report on student satisfaction. The survey examined general satisfaction and COVID-era satisfaction among students from all eleven North Dakota institutions during the spring 2020 and 2021 semesters.

I’m happy to report that VCSU students reported the highest level, or tied for the highest level of satisfaction, in each category.

Students are our top priority. They must continue to be in order for us to be a successful university in the days and years ahead. We have outstanding faculty, staff, coaches and employees who are committed to student success and understand students are the reason we do this important work.

I hope you can find opportunities to spend time with family and friends during these warm summer days and, as always, welcome you to walk through the beautiful campus and appreciate the architecture and landscape!

Go Vikings!

Haneishi presents at TGfU International Symposium

portrait of Kanae Haneishi

Kanae Haneishi, associate professor of kinesiology and human performance, presented at the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) 2021 International Symposium. The title of her presentation was “Exploring Game-Based Approaches (GBA) through an equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice perspective”. GBA including TGfU is a well-respected pedagogical approach to teach/coach games in physical education and coaching around the world. Haneishi serves on the International Advisory Board for the TGfU working group as well.

Haneishi also presented at the 2021 AIESEP (Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique, International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education) Scientific Conference. The presentation is on “Creating a Thirdspace in PETE: Fostering justice, equity, and inclusion through movement”. Haneishi along with Dr. Betty Block, Texas A&M University, Texas, Dr. Emilia Zarco, Adelphi University, New York, Dr. Ester Prados Megias, Universidad de Almeria, Spain, and professor Marcus Johnson, St. Andrews Academy, Texas, are proposing the Thirdspace Movement Concept (TMC) in Physical Education and Teacher Education (PETE) and Physical Education to create a learning environment where 1) self-awareness can lead to self-identity and self-acceptance, 2) embodied movement experiences can lead to inner peace, 3) humanization, 4) acceptance of self and others, 5) reconciliation, 6) growth in connection with others, and 7) justice are fostered.

VCSU Green Dot violence prevention program

VCSU Green Dot logo

VCSU has a new violence prevention program on campus. It is called VCSU Green Dot. The mission of the new program is to empower our VCSU employees and students with active bystander skills through awareness, programming, and education resulting in a culture where violence will not be tolerated, and everyone does their part to provide a safe campus.

We have completed our Spring 2021 semester virtual overview trainings. We conducted four virtual overview trainings and have trained 55 staff, nine faculty, and eight students! We are one step closer to making our VCSU campus culture reflect that violence will not be tolerated and everyone will do their part to provide a safe campus to our students and employees. Way to go VCSU Green Dot Team!

Our team is hard at work planning more 90-minute overview trainings in August and working on starting a VCSU Green Dot Student Organization that would begin meeting in September.

If you are interested in staying up to date with our VCSU Green Dot group and what events or future trainings we have planned, please go to our OneStop page and/or join our social media accounts on Facebook: @VCSUGreenDot

If you have questions, please reach out or

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Everyone 16 years of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. VCSU health officials encourage everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic.

City County Health District is hosting many vaccine clinics offering all brands of the COVID-19 vaccines. Register for your COVID Vaccine today! If the scheduled dates and times of vaccine clinics do not work for you, call CCHD at 701-845-8518 to schedule an appointment.

Not sure if you want to vaccinate? Click on these links for more information:

Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines

Key Things to Know about COVID-19 Vaccines

Myths and Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines

Be a Viking Hero – Vaccinate!

Coronavirus Update

Stay informed about campus coronavirus information with the following resources. Click each link to learn more.

Vikings sports update

Two Vikings earn Track & Field All-American
Valley City State University’s Zachary Co and Kyle Odegard both earned All-American honors with Top 5 finishes at the NAIA Outdoor Track & Field National Championships. Odegard placed third in the javelin throw with a top mark of 61.97 meters. Co placed fifth in shot put with a school record throw of 17.54 meters. 

Odegard places third:

Co places fifth:

VCSU Athletics hosting summer camps
The Valley City State University athletic department is gearing up to host a full summer of athletic camps for area youth athletes. The VCSU football, volleyball and basketball programs will all host individual and team camps this summer for a variety of ages, ranging from high school students to elementary students. Instruction at the camps will be provided by current and former VCSU coaches and athletes.

For more information and registration, visit

What's happening at VCSU and around Valley City...

Tuesday, June 8

  • 5 p.m. VCBC Public Library elephant day craft, Library Parking lot, call 845-3821 for information.
  • 6:30 p.m. VFW meeting, VC Eagles Club

Wednesday, June 9

  • 10 a.m. VCBC Public Library story hour, Pioneer Park
  • Noon VCBC Public Library virtual story hour with ND State Library, call 845-3821 for information.
  • 7 p.m. DAV meeting, VC Eagles Club
  • 7:15 p.m. Music in the City Park Bandshell featuring Greg Hager
  • 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Happy Harry’s Ribfest, FargoDome, Fargo, N.D. (June 9-12)

Thursday, June 10

  • 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vitalant Blood Drive, VC Eagles Club
  • 11 a.m. VCBC Public Library fishtail windsock make n’ take, Library Lawn
  • 6 p.m. VCBC Public Library book talk

Saturday, June 12

  • 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. VCBC Public Library Zoomobile in Library parking lot
  • 5 p.m. Garrett McFadgen Benefit with BBQ dinner, live auction, and dance, Sibley, N.D.
  • 5:30 p.m. 2nd Annual Don Gumke Racers’ Memorial, Jamestown Speedway, Jamestown, N.D.

Monday, June 14

Tuesday, June 15

  • 10 a.m. VCBC Public Library Let’s Go Fishing event, U.S. Fish Hatchery
  • 5 p.m. VCBC Public Library extreme paper airplane craft, Library parking lot

Wednesday, June 16

  • 10 a.m. VCBC Public Library story hour, Pioneer Park
  • 7:15 p.m. Music in the City Park featuring SueAnn Berntson & Family

Thursday, June 17

  • 11 a.m. VCBC Public Library craft fairy door painting make n’ take, Library front lawn
  • 6 p.m. VCBC Public Library tasting Thursday making crazy candy, Library

Friday, June 18

  • 37th Rally in the Valley Weekend
  • TR Citywide Garage Sale throughout Valley City (June 18-19)
  • Valley City Saints Amateur Baseball Tournament (June 19-20)

Saturday, June 19

  • 8 a.m. 37th Annual Bill Jansen Road Race/Walk, Hi-Line Park
  • 9 a.m. Food and craft vendors open, Central Avenue in VC
  • 10 a.m. Parade
  • 11 a.m. Bridge City Cruisers car show
  • 3:30 p.m. Duckin’ Down the Sheyenne Rubber Duck Race
  • 5:30 p.m. Jamestown Speedway Tuff Trucks, Jamestown, N.D.

Sunday, June 20

  • Dakota Riders Hill Climb, south of I-94 Exit 290

Go to to see more events happening in and around Valley City.