Institutional Review Board
The mission of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Valley City State University (VCSU) is to assist those engaged in human subject research in conducting research while conforming to ethical, professional, and community standards for the safety, rights, and protections of participants. Valley City State University is responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of human research subjects, regardless of research funding sources.
The purpose of the Valley City State University Institutional Review Board, established under VCSU Policy V611.08 is to ensure that human subject research is conducted in compliance with all appropriate regulations, including the United States Codes of Federal Regulations (CFR). Compliance with CFR regulations is important because a) the manner in which human subjects research is conducted reflects the institution’s commitment to rigorous ethical and scientific standards of conduct; and b) violations of CFR regulations may affect current and future research funding for all researchers at VCSU. The VCSU IRB does not intend to interfere in any way with competent, ethical, and sound research involving human participants.
The VCSU IRB, a faculty board under the aegis of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, relies on active involvement of the scholarly community at VCSU to establish procedures assuring appropriate human subject protections. These guidelines may not address all potential contingencies, however, the Institutional Review Board will continue to review the guidelines as necessary in consultation with appropriate stakeholders.
The IRB at Valley City State University is contacted through the IRB Chairperson, whose contact information is found below.
IRB Committee
Heather Kvilvang, Ph.D. – School of Education
Hilde Van Gijssel, Ph.D. – Science
Casey Williams, Ph.D. – Fisheries and Wildlife Science
David DeMuth, Ph.D – Director of Undergraduate Research (Academic Affairs Representative)
Emily Fenster, Ph.D. – Social Science
Kenneth Jimenez, Ph.D. – At Large
Daniel Larson, Superintendent, Maple Valley Public School District (Education Representative)
Natalie Wintch, J.D. – Unaffiliated Community Representative
The following representatives shall be assigned to the committee:
- The Director for Institutional Effectiveness and Planning serves as the IRB Chair.
- Five representatives from the academic program areas noted above.
- One representative elected at large by the Faculty Association.
- At least one unaffiliated representative from the community or surrounding area based on need for relevant composition and/or expertise on the Board, with preference for representatives of the medical and/or legal profession.
- Respective alternate members officially permitted to attend and vote on IRB matters in cases of the absence of one of the Board’s regular members.
- Additional members are allowed as determined by university leadership in consultation with faculty.
Contact Us
Bridget Blunck, B.A.
Assistant Director for Institutional Effectiveness
DepartmentsAcademic Affairs, Institutional Effectiveness & Planning
Office Location- McFarland Hall 208A
Kerry Gregoryk, Ph.D.
Director for Institutional Effectiveness & Planning
DepartmentsAcademic Affairs, Institutional Effectiveness & Planning
Office Location- McFarland Hall 208