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ND Educational Hub

ND Educational Hub- The ND Educational Hub is an online platform that houses professional development, mandated state trainings and resources in one centralized, easy-to-access location. It is the product of a seamless partnership between the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, six North Dakota Regional Educational Associations (NDREAs), and other partner agencies. Users will be working in a Canvas based system with easy access to credit and completion records.

All Learning is Social and EmotionalThis course emphasizes that learning is inherently social and emotional, influencing how students engage with content, interact with others, and develop self-perception. Rather than isolating social and emotional learning (SEL) from academic content, this course integrates SEL throughout daily instruction across all grade levels. Participants will explore a comprehensive five-part SEL model that covers identity, emotional regulation, cognitive regulation, social skills, and public spirit to support students' holistic development.1
Leveraging the English Language Arts StandardsThis course is designed to build student supports through implementation of the North Dakota English Language Arts (ELA) K-12 Standards and standards-based practices. This course is ideal for teachers, instructional coaches, curriculum coordinators, administrators, and anyone interested in standards-based practices. Whether you're new to the subject or looking to understand more about how each of these components can work better together in a comprehensive system, this course offers valuable insights for building student success.1
Leveraging the Mathematics StandardsThis course is designed to build student supports through implementation of the North Dakota Math K-12 Standards and standards-based practices. This course is ideal for teachers, instructional coaches, curriculum coordinators, administrators, and anyone interested in standards-based practices. Whether you're new to the subject or looking to understand more about how each of these components can work better together in a comprehensive system, this course offers valuable insights for building student success.1
Mindset – The New Psychology of SuccessThis course explores Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck’s concept of "mindsets," emphasizing how beliefs about abilities influence success. The course covers the key differences between a fixed and a growth mindset and provides actionable strategies for fostering a growth-oriented approach. Participants will apply Dweck’s research to enhance personal and professional growth by understanding how mindsets affect learning, personal development, and relationships.1
Professional Ethics in Education Guiding Principles for EducatorsThis course has been disgned for professional development offered on the ND Educational Hub.1
Teachers These DaysThis course delves into the complex role of teachers, focusing on the importance of their emotional well-being to create a positive learning environment. Drawing from Dr. Jody Carrington and Laurie McIntosh’s insights, the course combines human development theory with real-life teacher experiences, offering strategies for connection, resilience, and trauma-informed teaching.1
The Burnout CureAward-winning teacher Chase Mielke uses his experience and research on burnout to share practical strategies for reigniting passion for teaching. Drawing from social-emotional learning and positive psychology, this course helps educators shift their outlook through mindfulness, empathy, gratitude, and altruism, creating positive, lasting impacts on both themselves and their students.1
What’s Wong? Do You Need Some Classroom Management Strategies?This course, based on Harry Wong’s The Classroom Management Book, guides participants through 15 lessons on strategies used by effective classroom managers. Focused on enhancing classroom management skills, this course aims to boost student achievement by increasing teacher effectiveness.2