Online Music Program Information
A national leader in online music, VCSU offers innovative courses for students who are looking for a flexible format in which to complete a bachelor’s degree in Music with a General Studies concentration.
Students in our programs have included military members serving overseas, non-traditional students, those working in full-time jobs or with large family commitments, or students at other institutions who need a music course online.We are fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). For questions, please first read our Frequently Asked Questions and our student handbook. For any additional questions, please contact the Online Music Coordinator, Jessica Shuler.
Valley City State University is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.
Core Courses
- Four semesters of Music Theory
- Four semesters of Aural Skills
- Basic Conducting
- World Music
- Scoring and Arranging
- Two semesters of Music History and Literature
Performance-Related Courses
- Minimum of four semesters of applied instruction on a single instrument
- Four semesters of ensembles
- Two semesters of class piano
- Twelve credits of electives.
Electives are used to further round out a student’s education, and allow them to personalize their degree experience. Electives are also used to help students prepare for their capstone experience.
Capstone Project
All VCSU students must complete a capstone project as a requirement for graduation. There are several options for music students:
- Thesis: Students may elect to write a thesis on a musicological or theoretical topic of their choice, subject to approval by their advisor the department chair. Students choosing this route will take additional coursework in music theory or history as part of their elective credits.
- Composition/Arrangement: Students may complete a composition or arrangement of suitable length and complexity, subject to approval by their advisor and the department chair. Students choosing this route will take additional coursework in theory, composition, and/or scoring and arranging as part of their elective credits.
Valley City State University offers certificate programs for students who wish to increase their learning in music and earn a credential to demonstrate their accomplishment, but do not want to commit to a full degree program. These programs include certificates in Piano Pedagogy and Composition.
Certificate in Piano Pedagogy
The Piano Pedagogy certificate is recommended for all intended and current piano studio instructors who seek the opportunity to enhance their musical and teaching skills for the betterment of their piano students. It is also designed to assist students in preparing for MTNA certification. An audition showing current piano performance ability is required for admission. Courses in this 13-credit program include:
- MUS 122: Music Theory I
- MUS 123: Aural Skills I
- MUS 332: Music History II
- MUS 378: Applied Pedagogy
- MUS 379: Piano Pedagogy
Certificate in Composition
The Composition certificate program gives budding composers the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they need to start a career as a composer. It is recommended that students be proficient on a musical instrument, especially a harmonizing instrument (piano or guitar) before enrolling in this program. For more information, please contact Dr. Kenneth Jimenez, Department Chair, This 16-credit program includes the following courses:
- MUS 122: Music Theory I
- MUS 124: Music Theory II
- MUS 222: Music Theory III
- MUS 123: Aural Skills I
- MUS 125: Aural Skills II
- MUS 223: Aural Skills III
- MUS 220: Classical Composition
- MUS 320: Popular Composition
The application to VCSU Music and performance audition is required of all prospective majors, minors, and transfer students in music.
Entrance Audition
Online students are welcome to come to the VCSU campus to audition. Most students elect to submit a video audition instead of auditioning in person. Students electing to do so should upload and email a video recording of the audition performance and send to the Online Music Coordinator, Jessica Shuler. Please title this file “First Name Last Name Audition.”
- Piano. Two selections in contrasting styles, preferably from different eras. Repertoire equivalent to that described in the NFMC Junior Festivals Bulletin as Moderately Difficult II or higher. Memorization is not required but is preferred.
- Instruments. Two selections in contrasting styles, preferably from different eras. Repertoire equivalent to high school contest solos listed by the North Dakota (or other state) High School Activities Association, showing both technical and musical facility. Memorization is not required.
- Voice. Two selections in contrasting styles, preferably from different eras. Repertoire equivalent to high school contest solos listed by the North Dakota High School Activities Association. Memorization is not required but is preferred.