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Fisheries and Wildlife Science Summary

  • In 2015, 93% of graduating seniors in the VCSU Fisheries and Wildlife Science program acquired jobs in wildlife biology, fisheries management, natural resource management, or started a graduate program in a related field.
  • Class sizes average 15 students, which allows for hands-on field experiences.
  • All applicable courses have field trips and real hands on management/research experience.
  • Every year, students have the opportunity to take an educational trip to Yellowstone and learn about wolf management.
  • Field trips include:
    • Duck banding
    • Plant sampling
    • Mark recapture studies
    • Spawning walleye and northern pike populations
    • Fish sampling
    • Bird identification
    • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service personnel field trips
    • Ranch grazing tours
    • Land management tours
    • Prescribed fire certifications
    • Aquatic sampling
  • The Fisheries and Wildlife Program at VCSU is the only program in North Dakota that meets the certification requirements of the American Fisheries Society as an Associate Fisheries Professional and those of The Wildlife Society as an Associate Wildlife Biologist. These certifications are either required by many state agencies, such as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, or will put your resume above the rest when applying for jobs.
  • VCSU has both a student chapter of The Wildlife Society and a student subunit of the American Fisheries Society, providing for a vast network of national professionals.
  • VCSU offers undergraduate research opportunities in fisheries, aquatic entomology, and prairie ecology.
  • Every year 25-30 undergraduates attend The Wildlife Society Conference and/or The American Fisheries Society annual meetings, at which they have the opportunity to present, attend research talks, and network with future employers.
  • All the science faculty at VCSU teach their own labs, so you know you’re getting the best education from trained professionals.