All for which we are grateful
Greetings from Valley City State University!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times and holidays of the year. It’s so nice to be able to return to the many traditional gatherings with family and friends that were put on hold last year. As we gather with important people in our lives, I hope we can pause and reflect on all for which we are thankful. I’d like to share a few of the gifts we enjoy at Valley City State University that help us to fulfill our mission for the benefit of our students, faculty, staff, community, region, and state. We are so very grateful for our partnerships that make it all possible.
Community support
We are grateful for the support of so many individuals and supporters making a difference for VCSU and our students. With over $1.8 million in scholarship allocations this past year, there is a clear connection between enrollment stability, growth, and retention of our students. We realize we need to continue our focus on retaining the students we recruit. A former mentor of mine referred to retaining as “re-recruiting” and this is a very good descriptor of the effort we must continue in this area. All levels of support are helping our students achieve their goal of a university education while minimizing the amount of student loans along the way.
We are grateful that our capital campaign has surpassed the $5 million mark in pledges and gifts received. This is a tremendous accomplishment, and we owe many thanks to the individuals and supporters of VCSU who have helped get us to this point in our campaign. The results of this campaign will be transformative for our campus and community. All levels of support are helping our students achieve their goal of a university education while minimizing the amount of student loans along the way.
Campus community
We are grateful for the dedication and commitment of our faculty, staff, and students to help create an environment of opportunity and success for each student. Our faculty continue to be focused on providing high-quality academic delivery and opportunities for our students. Our staff continue to provide the personalized service to which our campus is accustomed. Our students are dedicated and hard-working. I’ve had the opportunity to work with our current student senate on a variety of initiatives this past semester and I continue to be impressed with the leadership and creativity they regularly display.
Center for the Arts
We are grateful for the continued progress on our newest academic building nearing completion just west of our Student Center. The progress being made, inside and outside, is impressive. The collaborative work of the architects, designers, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and site workers will result in a completed project in late December 2021 so that we can begin to move equipment and be utilizing the facility as early as the 2022 spring semester! We will be sharing more specific information on the ribbon cutting and grand opening events as they develop in the weeks ahead.
Intercollegiate athletics
We are grateful for the commitment to excellence on our many athletic teams. I sincerely enjoy watching our students compete at the highest possible level and represent our university positively. They carry forward the Viking tradition of excellence, are led by dedicated coaches, and exemplify the athletic department vision to engage, educate, and elevate.
Beautiful campus in a beautiful community
Finally, we are grateful to come to work each day in one of the most beautiful campuses in the upper Midwest, nestled in the heart of our beautiful community. This is truly a unique, picturesque, and remarkable place.
On behalf of the students, staff, faculty, and administration of Valley City State University, we hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving! May this be a time of giving thanks for family, friends, community, and collaboration for years to come! Take a moment to reflect on all that you are thankful for at this special time of year and be sure to share those thanks with those who are close and important to you.
Go Vikings!