Author and speaker, Todd Zakrajsek to visit VCSU on Oct. 22
Valley City State University will welcome Todd Zakrajsek, Ph.D, author, speaker and faculty developer to campus to conduct several workshops and presentations on Tuesday, Oct. 22.
Zakrajsek is the author of multiple classic books in the field of education, including the successful book “The New Science of Learning: How to Learn In Harmony with Your Brain”. Zakrajsek plans to advise VCSU employees on how to create a motivating, creative and engaging community, as well as share with students how best to learn in consideration of how the brain works.
Zakrajsek will lead a total of five sessions in the Larry J. Robinson Center for the Arts. The schedule is as follows:
Education majors session – invite only
9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. — “Student Self-Assessment to Promote a Growth Mindset, Effective Instructional Assessment Strategies to Enhance Student Learning”, Choir Room CFA 177
General sessions – open to all VCSU students, staff and faculty
11 a.m.— “Study Less and Learn More: Applying Principles of the New Science of Learning”, CFA Performance Hall
Learning is challenging work, but there are so many possibilities to succeed when you learn in harmony with your brain. This workshop will look at concepts, techniques, strategies, tips, and ideas to help you become a stronger learner by selecting and adopting behaviors that reinforce learning inside and outside the classroom.
Noon— “Universal Threads: Uncovering Your Connections in the Learning Process”, CFA Performance Hall
The essential processes of learning are all very similar across learning experiences, whether they happen in a classroom, at work, or at home. In this session, we will take a practical look at foundational aspects of learning and the connections that drive the entire learning process. The overall goal of this session is that you learn practical strategies you can use to help yourself learn better and be more effective in your campus role and to help others be more effective learners in a variety of situations.
Both sessions include practical strategies you can use to help yourself learn better and to be more effective in your campus role. These sessions will cover material from his book “The New Science of Learning” which can be accessed as an ebook through the VCSU Allen Memorial Library.
Faculty sessions
2 p.m.— Faculty presentation, Choir Room CFA 177
How can we, as instructors, engage students who seem uninterested in course content and assignments? While part of the responsibility lies with students, we can motivate and inspire them. This workshop will explore strategies to make classroom learning more meaningful, using theories of learning and motivation to boost student engagement. And we might have some fun too.
3 p.m.— Interactive Application Session with questions and answers, Choir Room CFA 177
Bring your questions, hot topics, and sticky points to pick Todd’s brain for ideas and potential solutions.
The library has also obtained unlimited electronic access to his book “Teaching at Its Best”, a resource of 27 chapters pertaining to nearly every concept related to teaching at your best.
Zakrajsek currently directs five Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and sits on two educationally related boards and several editorial boards for journals in the area of teaching and learning. He is an international speaker who is requested regularly for keynote presentations and campus workshops, having published and presented widely on the topic of effective teaching and student learning. More information is available at