Celebrating all for which we are thankful
Greetings from Valley City State University!
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and express appreciation. With this important holiday upon us, I’d like to take a few moments to share our appreciation for the gifts we enjoy at Valley City State University. These gifts help us fulfill our mission for the benefit of our students, faculty, staff, community, and state, and we are so grateful for the partnerships that make it all possible.
I’d like to begin with a personal thank you to both the local and campus communities for your continued support and welcoming spirit. We truly enjoy a wonderful mutually supportive relationship. We’re especially thankful for this relationship and our collaboration, working together to strengthen our university and the region.
The support of so many individuals is making a difference for VCSU and our students. With over $1.72 million in scholarship allocations this past year, we recognize a clear correlation with our enrollment growth and the stability and retention of our students. The support we receive helps our students succeed and attain their goal of a university education. I’ve also heard from faculty, staff, and community members alike of the noticeable increase in student involvement on campus and in the community.
Site preparation for the new arts center has begun, and we again express our thanks to the North Dakota Legislature and Governor Burgum for making this possible. The first completely new academic building on our campus in more than 45 years, the center will serve the campus and community as a tremendous instructional facility and an outstanding venue for guest speakers, performances, competitions, and arts events at all levels. We are all very excited to see the project get underway, with construction scheduled to begin in spring 2020.
On behalf of the students, staff, and faculty of Valley City State University, we wish you all a wonderful and enjoyable Thanksgiving! Enjoy this time of gathering and giving thanks for family, friends, and community, and may we all look forward to continued collaboration for years to come!
Go Vikings!