Campus Evolution and Success Celebration
Greetings from Valley City State University!
I just returned to my office following an exciting “walk-through” of the new Center for the Arts. Several members of the new building’s steering committee were guided on a tour by Nate Lange from J.E. Dunn Construction. It was informative, impressive, and exciting, to say the least!
Construction projects are, by their nature, exciting to see unfold. The unseasonably mild weather has allowed progress to continue at a steady pace this fall. The concrete panel walls have enclosed the future concert hall space and the steel framing along the east side of the building is nearly complete. As we stood inside the concert hall, it was easy to envision future performances that the community will enjoy in that space.
In the coming weeks, the steel structure will wrap around the north and west sides of the building and the exterior walls will begin to be completed on the east side. Steel roofing panels are being welded in place on the east side and work inside the concert hall will begin soon.
The intricate nature of electrical, plumbing, conduit and steam lines can be seen in great detail in a building of this size. It’s understandable that the planning process took as long as it did for this facility.
For years we have imagined how this facility would transform our campus and community, and now we can visualize it much more clearly. As we walked from the east side of the Memorial Student Center, you could see the structure shaping the landscape to the west. The Center for the Arts will be an impressive site greeting campus visitors.
A project of this scale is a massive undertaking and would not be possible with the collaboration of numerous contractors. To date, more than sixty workers have already been involved with the construction of the project. We appreciate their efforts and continue to look forward to the finished product!
Go Vikings!