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Course Syllabus

  • This is used in promotional materials. Description should be brief. It should state overall purpose of the course and other relevant information.
  • Include author, title, edition, year publisher, ISBN, and cost if known.
  • Objectives should be stated in terms of measurable, assessable behavior.
  • List assignment and other course requirements.
  • List in this section any required books, lab manuals, calculators, and whatever else the student will need to complete the requirements for the course.
  • Specify the expected performance, percentage allocations of assignments toward final grade, or other procedures for grading or grading system (S/U, and/or letter grade A, B, C, D, or F). If letter grades are to be issued, you must include a qualitative assessment rubric. The rubric must contain for each course objectives the qualitative decisions you will make about the student's work to determine each particular letter grade.
  • Please specify the exact date and time your course will meet. Face-to-face courses require 15 instructor contact hours for each credit hour. Online/hybrid courses are expected to require the same amount of student effort as face-to-face courses.
  • Including listing if applicable: name, academic title, highest degree obtained, and the topics which are going to be covered. If the individual is teaching over 25% of the class, attach the individual's resume.
  • *Any student with disabilities of other special needs, are invited to speak to the instruction to share their concerns or requests for accommodations in this course.
  • *All work in this course must be completed in a manner consistent with the Valley City State University Policy.