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Coronavirus Campus Communication

Email from President LaFave 3/27/20

Mar 27, 2020

Update on Working from Home and Working Together

Dear colleagues,

More than a week ago we asked faculty and staff to work from home as much as possible. Now we’re at a point where we must make a stronger statement — that faculty and staff stay away from campus unless there is an essential need to be here.

A few faculty members need to be on campus to deliver their coursework; most do not. The presence of a few staff members is essential to keep the campus going, and many of you have already shown us how you can work effectively from home. We also have a few students who must remain on campus because of their individual circumstances.

For all of you who don’t fall into these special, essential categories, we ask that you please stay at home and diligently observe appropriate social distancing and hygienic protocols.

It’s hard to predict how long we’ll need to continue operating this way. Know that the Emergency Management Team continues to evaluate the situation on a daily basis.

Right now, we need to do what is right for the greater good. Now is the time to take care of our communities —for the sake of our families, our work colleagues, our university and the town we live in, we have to do whatever it takes to keep us healthy and strong. We have to do this together.

When making collective and individual decisions, we urge you to consider these points:

  • North Dakota has localities with ongoing community spread of the coronavirus; this will continue to increase. At this point travel outside of Valley City or Barnes County should be evaluated – ask yourself, is it essential that I travel today? The way to slow this spread is to stay home.
  • Valley City’s medical structure is limited; it has the potential to be overwhelmed quickly. Health care providers here are dedicated to caring for our community; we must be dedicated to supporting them. The way to show our support and protect our health care providers is to stay home.

Essential employees who continue to work on campus and students with continued residency must practice social distancing, good hand hygiene, and stay home if sick. If they have a known exposure to a COVID-19 positive person, are being tested for COVID-19, or travel to an area with active ongoing community transmission, they must self-quarantine at home for 14 days before returning to campus.

I think everyone realizes that now is the time to take a strong, consistent approach concerning on-campus access and how in turn, these actions will help support our Valley City community.

Now more than ever we need to row together.

Go Vikings!



Alan D. LaFave, D.M.A.
Valley City State University