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Coronavirus Campus Communication

Email from President LaFave 9/1/20

Sep 1, 2020

Dear students,

As we near the first observed holiday and three-day weekend of the 2020 academic year, I’d like to thank you for your efforts in getting the year launched successfully. The return to face-to-face instruction — augmented with synchronous delivery, along with new protocols and safety practices we’ve implemented across campus — have helped us be successful during this first week.

Now I’m writing to remind you of some very important protocols that we ALL must follow in the days ahead if we wish to sustain this on-campus, face-to-face model.

  1. Face Coverings. As you know, VCSU has a mandatory face mask policy for on campus public spaces, classrooms, and large gatherings. I’ve seen many of you, on different parts of campus, doing your part and observing the policies and protocols. Thank you for this! I’m writing to ask that you do the same when off-campus, for the safety of all and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community and state. Let’s be role models and leaders in our community. Protecting the health of your family, friends, professors and staff is paramount, and this is just one small way to do your part.
  2. Testing. Opportunities for testing will continue in the weeks ahead. Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 2, from 4-5 p.m., weekly drive-through testing will be made available in the Lokken Stadium parking lot. I strongly encourage you to be tested prior to returning home to your families for the Labor Day weekend and to take advantage of subsequent testing opportunities. It’s important to know that you are not a carrier of the virus, and the turn-around times for test results is now, on average, under 20 hours! Email announcements from the VCSU Safety Office will provide more information and registration instructions for these events. No employee or student identification is required, and the testing is free.
  3. Off-campus gatherings. It has come to my attention that large off-campus parties took place this past weekend. This is very disappointing and concerning news. It’s these gatherings that spread the virus and put you in close contact with people who are asymptomatic and don’t even know they are carriers of the virus. Please remember that in order for us to continue delivering face-to-face courses and hold athletic contests and other activities, EVERYONE must do their part. We all need to help live our motto “We All Row.” Please be responsible and do your ethical duty to keep your family members, friends, professors and staff members safe by not participating in these large gatherings. The safety of this campus community is our top priority. Knowingly putting others health at risk will not be tolerated by VCSU. Any student who breaks Department of Health directed quarantine/isolation is subject to all applicable penalties associated with the VCSU Code of Student Conduct, including possible suspension.

I wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend and remember, our collective success depends on individual actions and accountability. Thanks everyone, and GO VIKINGS!


Alan LaFave