Email from VCSU Event Services 7/24/20
Coronavirus Meeting and Event Guide
VCSU recognizes the positive impact of social engagement and participation in campus activities. VCSU will strive to provide students, faculty, staff and campus visitors with opportunities to engage in campus events outside the classroom while mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Given the fluid nature of COVID-19, event plans may need to be adjusted as conditions change to support the health and safety of the campus community.
All university-related public events that are organized by VCSU departments or affiliates must also follow the same event request process.
If you are looking to plan a meeting or event on campus please review the Coronavirus Meeting and Event Guide.
*If you are a student organization advisor please share with your organization. If you work with third-party event sponsors please share with the appropriate individuals.
**Event Services will be following the VCSU Viking Safety Levels for guidance regarding events and gatherings.
Click here for more information on the Viking Safety Levels (content no longer available).
Let us know if you have questions.
Event Services
Valley City State University
701-845-7701 (office) | 701-845-7707 (fax)