Email from VCSU Health Services 4/1/21
COVID Vaccine Clinic to he held on campus for all students and employees next week!
Health Services is EXCITED to announce that in partnership with City County Health District, VCSU will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for all students and employees on Wednesday, April 7, 11:30 – 3:00, Graichen Gym.
285 doses of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine will be available – so let’s get vaccinated in one shot VCSU!
Free Dip-n-Dots for all after you are vaccinated
Appointments are REQUIRED – No Walk In’s
Click here now to make an appointment or copy and paste this URL into your browser:
(This link should only be opened via Chrome or Firefox, or mobile device browser. Do not use Internet Explorer, it will not work)
Things to consider prior to registration:
- I haven’t had any other vaccines in the past 14 days.
- I haven’t received COVID-19 treatment in the past 90 days.
- I have my insurance information handy. (Students – contact your parents ahead of time if you don’t know your plan info))
- I understand that when I register, a vaccine is reserved for me. I will plan ahead to keep my appointment time or notify Betty Tykwinski ASAP if I need to cancel.
- I understand that I will be asked to remain onsite for a 15-minute observation period following vaccination.
Betty Tykwinski, MSN, RN
Director for Health & Wellness Services
Valley City State University
101 College St SW