Email from VCSU Safety Office 4/5/21
Appointments still available! Family members of VCSU employees and students can register to be vaccinated too!
Good morning,
Just a reminder of the COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic scheduled on campus this Wednesday. This clinic is for all VCSU students, employees and family members of employees/students ages 18 and up. Sign up today – there are still many spots available!
Health Services is EXCITED to announce that in partnership with City County Health District, VCSU will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for all students and employees on Wednesday, April 7th, 11:30-3:00, Graichen Gym
285 doses of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine will be available – so let’s get vaccinated in one shot VCSU!
?Free Dip-n-Dots for all after you are vaccinated ?
Appointments are REQUIRED – No Walk In’s
Click here now to make an appointment or copy and paste this URL to your browser:
(This link should only be opened via Chrome or Firefox, or mobile device browser. Do not use internet explorer, it will not work)
Things to consider prior to registration:
- I haven’t had any other vaccines in the past 14 days.
- I haven’t received COVID-19 treatment in the past 90 days.
- I have my insurance information handy. (Students—contact your parents ahead of time if you don’t know your plan info)
- I understand that when I register, a vaccine is reserved for me. I will plan ahead to keep my appointment time or notify Betty Tykwinski ASAP if I need to cancel.
- I understand that I will be asked to remain onsite for a 15-minute observation period following vaccination.
Betty Tykwinski, MSN, RN
Director for Health & Wellness Services
Valley City State University
101 College St SW