Email from VCSU Safety Office 6/24/20
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Reopening Plans
As you are working on your return plans please keep in mind the PPE that will be needed to assist in protecting employees, students, and visitors when on campus.
The following PPE has been identified as essential to the successful opening of campus and has been purchased, and in some cases delivered, or will be purchased in the near future:
- Cloth face coverings, or masks, for employees and students (2 masks/individual).
- Employee masks have been delivered to each individual office, along with literature on proper usage. If you did not receive your masks please respond to this email.
- Plexiglass barriers, or sneeze guards, for customer service and front-facing offices. Barriers have also been purchased for each classroom on campus for the teaching stations.
- Air purifiers for individual offices. Equipment was purchased based on room size.
- The majority of purifiers have been delivered, or will be delivered in the near future.
Other sanitizing/protective measures being implemented:
- Rapid electrostatic sanitizing equipment for each building to assist with disinfection throughout the day.
- “Hygiene stations” in each classroom and meeting room- to include hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, tissues, and disposable masks.
- Additional hand sanitizer stands at all building entrances.
- Additional cleaning supplies in every office/office suite.
- To request supplies, or to replenish supplies throughout the semester please use this form (content no longer available).
- Classrooms have been rearranged to accommodate physical distancing. The reduced maximum capacity will be posted outside of each room. Meeting rooms will also be rearranged for physical distancing and will have the reduced maximum capacity posted.
Additional processes and best practices are in development and will be communicated to the campus community.
If there is PPE not listed above that your department will need for a successful reopening please include on your department/unit reopening plan or email
Thank you,
VCSU Safety Office