Email to Campus from President LaFave 3/20/20
VCSU to move online with all academic instruction for remainder of semester
Students, Faculty and Staff:
On March 12, we announced a plan to move to online instruction for a couple of weeks after spring break; however, in light of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and the need to respond decisively for the health safety of all our constituents, we at Valley City State University are now moving all academic instruction online for the remainder of spring semester 2020.
This decision has been a difficult one, putting us in a position where we give up the tremendous benefits of learning, working and growing together on campus as we move totally online for the semester. But we’re confident we can continue to flourish given the success of students in our current online undergraduate and graduate programs.
We talk about “We All Row” because that is the way we live our lives at VCSU — helping each other, lifting each other up, working hard yet smiling and laughing along the way. Struggling some days, but over time, always rising to the occasion and doing good work and feeling good about a job well done. That mindset will continue this semester in the midst of this crisis, and it will for years to come as we move forward together.
In addition to the change in course delivery, we know that there are many details to be worked out in regard to a host of topics: housing and dining credits, how students who live in the residence halls will get their belongings, options for pass/fail grading, laptop returns at the end of semester, when staff will return to campus, commencement, etc. — the list goes on and on. Know that we are mindful of these issues; further communications will come your way soon.
These are uncertain times to say the least. Let’s work through this together, and in the meantime, take care of yourselves and your people. That’s what we’re trying to do here. Go Vikings!
Alan D. LaFave, D.M.A.
Valley City State University