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Hotline 12.21.20

Dec 21, 2020

This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:

  • President’s Column: Accomplishment recognized…
  • COVID-19 testing to be held today at W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse
  • Put Care19 Alert app to work for you
  • Coronavirus update
  • Viking sports update
  • What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

The VCSU Hotline online newsletter is published weekly during the academic year. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 3 p.m. Friday. Please submit articles to NOTE: Hotline will be published every other week over the semester break (Dec. 21 and Jan. 4)

President’s Column: Accomplishment recognized…

Commencement is a time of reflection on the past, celebration of the present, and anticipation of the future. This past week we had the privilege of recognizing 95 graduates at our 6th Annual Winter Commencement Exercises. The experiences of our graduates have been shaped by numerous people, programs and opportunities throughout their time at VCSU.

Faculty, staff, coaches, peers and community members have all played an important and formative role along the way. The faculty and staff at VCSU represent an outstanding collection of professionals who enhance the campus experience and give so much to our campus and community as teachers, mentors, friends and advisors.

The support of family and friends has also played a key role in student success. We acknowledge the encouragement from parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, extended family members and friends for providing this base of support.

Of all the memories our graduates hold dear from the past four years, one thing is certain: none of them could have anticipated the advent and impact of Covid-19 during the final weeks of last Spring and the Fall 2020 semesters.  Yet they met all of the associated challenges of this pandemic head on with resolve, successfully navigating this time together. This special group of graduates contributed so much to the culture and success of our university. They were leaders in and out of the classroom and we will miss their presence on our campus.

Challenges aside, I am an optimist at heart. One of the quotes I left with our graduates was from Nelson Mandela’s 1994 autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom”, where he writes, “Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun and one’s feet moving forward.” As we’ve all continued to navigate these past challenging months, it has been important for us all to keep moving forward and focus on the positive, even when it wasn’t always readily apparent.

I am fortunate to be a part of this outstanding university, having assumed my role as President almost two years ago to the day of this commencement. One of the moments I hold with highest regard is the opportunity to congratulate our graduates, shake their hands as they receive their diploma, and have the opportunity to visit with their proud family members.

Even though this ceremony was held virtually, the sentiment of the face-to-face commencement remains and is strong and heartfelt. We look forward to holding our Spring 2021 commencement in person and will welcome all graduates from this winter and last spring to join us in this celebration!

Finally, on behalf of Valley City State University, we extend warmest holiday wishes to all for a safe and enjoyable holiday season! In the new year, let us resolve to continue our good work as we move forward together.

Go Vikings!

COVID-19 testing to be held today at the W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse, “The Bubble”

A free COVID-19 testing event for the VCSU and Valley City communities will be held today, Monday, Dec. 21,  from 1-2 p.m. at the W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse, “The Bubble”.

This event is a WALK-IN testing event. Colder temperatures have moved operations indoors. If you wish to be tested, please park your vehicle and enter through the west entrance. Handicap parking spaces and access are available at the east entrance. Preregistration at is encouraged; one only needs to register once.

Care19 Alert App

VCSU students and employees are strongly encouraged to download a free smartphone app, Care19 Alert, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy with technology developed by Apple and Google.

Find more information or download the app here.

Coronavirus Update

Stay informed about campus coronavirus information with the following resources. Click each link to learn more.

Vikings sports update

Upcoming Events
Jan. 2: Men’s Basketball vs. Yellowstone Christian College, 4 p.m.
Jan. 3: Men’s Basketball vs. Oak Hills Christian College, 3 p.m.
Jan. 4: Women’s Basketball vs. University of Jamestown, 6 p.m.

What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

Monday, December 21
First day of winter

Tuesday, December 22
6 p.m. VCBC Public Library Activity – virtual cooking class making popcorn balls on YouTube, call 845-3821 for more information

Wednesday, December 23
10 a.m. VCBC Public Library Activity – virtual story hour on YouTube and Santa – craft Christmas tree decorating, call 845-3821 to pick up a kit.

Thursday, December 24
Christmas Eve
VCSU offices close at 12 noon

Friday, December 25
Christmas Day
VCSU Offices Closed

Saturday, December 26
Kwanzaa begins
Boxing Day in Canada 

Monday, December 28
12 noon Valley City Lions Club meeting, Eagles Club

Tuesday, December 29
6 p.m. VCBC Public Library activity virtual cooking class making Insta Pot Tortellini Soup on YouTube – call 845-3821 for more information

Wednesday, December 30
10 a.m. VCBC Public Library activity – virtual story hour on FB Live featuring Reada Reddy.  Craft gingerbread men kits – call 8435-3821 to pick up a kit.