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Hotline 5.24.21

May 24, 2021

This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:

  • President’s Column: Hub of Activity!
  • VCSU STEM hosts Jamestown students for LEGO Robotics
  • Neutrino Physicist at VCSU Organizes High Performance Computing Training
  • Haneishi named 2021 Engaged Scholar
  • KHP hosts virtual symposium
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Information
  • COVID-19 Testing update
  • Put Care19 Alert app to work for you
  • Coronavirus update
  • Viking sports update
  • What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

The VCSU Hotline online newsletter is published bi-weekly during the summer. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 3 p.m. Friday. Please submit articles to

President's Column: Hub of Activity!

Dr. Alan LaFave, VCSU President

Greetings from Valley City State University!

The end of the year activities are winding down, and the beautiful campus is a much quieter place this week. Students have checked out of the residence halls, and following commencement and submission of final grades, we are on to a summer of planning, organizational work and efforts to complete several projects on campus.

On May 3 our campus, athletes and coaches celebrated the successful year of competition with an athletic banquet held outdoors at Lokken Stadium. Athletic Director Jill Devries presented awards to students for their achievements during the past year which was capped off with a video compilation assembled by Mark Potts highlighting all of our teams. I’m thankful that our student-athletes had the opportunities to continue with their contests during this past year.  COVID certainly created obstacles along the way, but they persevered and found a way to be successful. We wish to thank the Athletic Boosters for providing and serving the meal prior to the awards ceremony.

The following week we held a special senior awards recognition ceremony for all of our seniors. Each department presented awards to the graduating seniors based upon the academic and research successes they’ve had during this past year. It was a tremendous event – emceed by Dr. Erin Klingenberg, Interim Dean of Student Affairs – and involved several faculty and department chairs. This event truly exemplifies student excellence and the wonderful opportunities they have had for collaboration with faculty leading to academic success.

Finally, we were very pleased to celebrate our commencement exercises May 15 with an in-person ceremony! This marked the one hundred and twenty-ninth commencement exercise at VCSU. A total of 278 students received their bachelor’s degree and 36 were awarded their master’s degree. Remarks were made by Mr. Nick Hacker, Chair of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education. Ms. Peyton Halverson, an accomplished student and athlete, provided the undergraduate reflection, and Dr. Kevin Murphy, Associate Professor of Mathematics, gave the faculty reflection.

Commencement is a time to recognize the completion of an important time in the lives of our students, but also the beginning of their next chapter. It was especially gratifying to have so many family members and friends join in the excitement of the day – and a picture-perfect day it was! Many of our graduates were lined up to take a commemorative photo next to or in front of the new VCSU sign on the front lawn. We welcome you to take a walk on the picturesque campus in the late spring and summer days ahead and wish you all a relaxing, safe and enjoyable summer!

Go Vikings!

VCSU STEM hosts Jamestown students for LEGO Robotics

Students participating in Lego robotics

VCSU’s Great Plains STEM Education Center (GPSEC) hosted two groups of Gussner Elementary 5th grade students from Jamestown for a session in LEGO Robotics on May 11.  The students were accompanied by their teachers, Anita Frey and Tami Maus.

The students engaged in the building and coding of multiple robots using LEGO’s WeDo 2.0 robotics kits. The activities are designed to increase students’ curiosity and science skills, while also enhancing their engineering design and computer coding skills. During their visit to VCSU the students also had the opportunity to view a planetarium show and tour VCSU’s Medicine Wheel Park.

The visit to GPSEC has become an annual event for Gussner 5th graders. After the sessions, Ms. Frey said, “I just wanted to thank you again for the STEM activities yesterday! The kids loved it! They already asked when they can come back! Thank you so much for your time and patience with our students! See you again next year.”

Neutrino Physicist at VCSU Organizes High Performance Computing Training

The international collaboration of scientists, engineers, and students who are partnering with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to design the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) are on schedule to construct sensitive detectors that will be located 4,850 feet underground at Lead, S.D.

Once operational, a high energy beam of neutrinos originating from FNAL will produce subatomic particle tracks in the underground detectors at Lead, which when fully accounted for will help scientists disclose enigmatic behaviors of the neutrino that point to an improved understanding of the very beginnings of the universe. 

A major component of this “big data” enterprise is managing, processing, and analyzing the hundreds of terabytes of data that are produced daily; a skill that can be developed by offering training for the graduate students and postdocs who have recently joined the DUNE Collaboration. 

Alongside Dr. Claire David of York University (Toronto), VCSU’s Dr. David DeMuth organized a computing training for members of DUNE in advance of what promises to be an active summer of data analysis on high performance computers. The three day training, held on May 12-14, was attended via Zoom by 115 registrants who practiced hands-on activities under the tutelage of Fermilab computing specialists. 

Similar training has been offered for DUNE collaborators, but this version followed a learning model designed by the HEP Software Foundation which showcases open source technologies such as GitHub, and a web-based lesson framework by Software Carpentry. DeMuth provided primary expertise in the model’s implementation which he hopes will set a precedent for future computing training. To get a sense of the workshop design and scope, visit:

Valley City State University and the University of North Dakota represent North Dakota on the 1300+ person DUNE Collaboration which extends over 30 countries and 200 institutions. More on DUNE can be found at:

Haneishi named 2021 Engaged Scholar

portrait of Kanae Haneishi

Kanae Haneishi, associate professor of kinesiology and human performance, has been named a 2021 Engaged Scholar for the Engage Scholar Grant by the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). She will be working with Betty Block, Regents Professor at Texas A&M University Commerce, and other project team members (i.e., Dr. María Esther Prados Megías at Universidad de Almería, Spain, Dr. Emilia Zarco at Adelphi University, New York) on the Thirdspace Movement Project. The Thirdspace movement project builds upon current pedagogical research that advocates for the inclusion of alternative activities in physical education programs that facilitate development of self-awareness and identity for the purpose of understanding and accepting self and others. The project outcomes are meant to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion as well as humanize the learning environment in physical education through movements designed to support a greater understanding and acceptance of self and others.

The Engaged Scholar Program (ESP) establishes “mentoring and networking opportunities in the area of scholarship with the intention of supporting their career moves through the promotion process at their own institutions. The ESP will provide financial support for NAKHE members to collaborate in scholarly endeavors with established senior scholars”. As a recipient of ESP grant, Haneishi will present her scholarly work at the 2022 NAKHE Conference and submit her scholarly work to one of NAKHE’s two publications: Quest or the International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education.

KHP hosts virtual symposium

The Department of Kinesiology and Human Performance hosted the virtual symposium where KHP students and guest students from Japan presented their research and projects from the 2020-2021 academic year.

The titles and the presenters were: from HPER 610: Motor Learning, “Practice of Physical Education in Elementary School in Japan.-4th grade Hand Tennis Unit-” by Aoba Matsunaga, & Ryusei Kinugasa (graduate students from Japan), from HPER 388: Outdoor Pursuits, “International VR Project on Oculus Wander” by Kade Queen (VCSU sophomore, PHE) and Yuika Suzuki (senior from Japan), from HPER 215: Motor Behavior, “Using VR to Improve Motor Skill on Golf” by John Thomas (VCSU junior, PHE), from HPER 425: Psychology of Coaching, “Developing Mental Training Program” by Kevin Schramm (VCSU senior, PHE), from HPER 215: Motor Behavior, “Using VR to Improve Motor Skill on Golf” by Keaton Goldade (VCSU freshman, PHE), and SOAR Project, “An Analysis on the Utilization and Optimization of Post Activation Potentiation for College Athletes” by Quinton Vonesh (VCSU senior, Exercise Science).

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Everyone 16 years of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. VCSU health officials encourage everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic.

City County Health District is hosting many vaccine clinics offering all brands of the COVID-19 vaccines. Register for your COVID Vaccine today! If the scheduled dates and times of vaccine clinics do not work for you, call CCHD at 701-845-8518 to schedule an appointment.

Not sure if you want to vaccinate? Click on these links for more information:

Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines

Key Things to Know about COVID-19 Vaccines

Myths and Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines

Be a Viking Hero – Vaccinate!

COVID-19 testing update

Beginning Monday, May 3, City County Health District will provide COVID-19 Testing at their office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1-2 p.m. Rapid and conventional tests will be available. The last testing event at the W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse was on Friday, April 30.

Additional options for testing on campus include:

  • Health Services will provide rapid and conventional testing by appointment for:
    • Students who are symptomatic or need testing for release from quarantine.
  • Health Services and Athletic Trainers will provide rapid and conventional testing for asymptomatic athletes when required prior to competitions.
  • Employees can continue to be tested by their healthcare provider or City County Health Department.
  • Students can also test at City County Health or at a clinic/testing event of their choice.

Care19 Alert App

Care19 Alert App logo

VCSU students and employees are strongly encouraged to download a free smartphone app, Care19 Alert, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy with technology developed by Apple and Google.

Find more information or download the app here.

Coronavirus Update

Stay informed about campus coronavirus information with the following resources. Click each link to learn more.

Vikings sports update

Track & Field
VCSU throwers Zachary Co and Kyle Odegard will compete this week at the NAIA Outdoor Track & Field National Championships in Gulf Shores, Ala. Co has qualified in both the shot put and hammer throw, while Odegard has qualified in the javelin. Hammer throw and javelin are on Wednesday, and the shot put competition is Friday. Odegard is currently ranked fourth in the javelin, and Co is ranked fifth in shot put. 

Co and Odegard were among five Vikings who won conference titles at the NSAA Track & Field Conference Championships. Co won the shot put; Odegard won the javelin; Peyton Halverson won the women’s javelin; Brooke Malsom took first in long jump; and Allyssa Weitkum won the 3,000 steeplechase. 

Read more: 

Summer Camps
Valley City State University athletics is hosting summer camps in football, volleyball and basketball this year. For a camp schedule and more information visit

Upcoming Events
May 26-28: Track & Field National Championships (Gulf Shores, Ala.)

What's happening at VCSU and around Valley City...

Monday, May 24
Victory Day, Canada

Tuesday, May 25
10 a.m. VCBC Public Library activity – virtual story hour on Youtube. Call 845-3821 for information and kit.
11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vitalant blood drive, Grace Free Lutheran Church

Wednesday, May 26
Track and field National Championships, Golf Shores, Ala. (May 26-28)
Peggy Lee Day in Valley City. For information on special events call 845-0966.
10:30 a.m. VCBC Public Library activity – Story Hour on Facebook with Reada Ready. Call 845-3821 for information and kit.

Thursday, May 27
5 p.m. to 7 p.m. VC Eagles Auxiliary Hamburger Night

Saturday, May 29
5:30 p.m. Jamestown Speedway, Armed Forces Night

Sunday, May 30
2:30 p.m. Valley City High School graduation

Monday, May 31
Memorial Day
9 a.m. Valley City Eagles Club hosting memorial services at several local cemeteries. Concluding at Valley City Eagles with performances by Valley City High School Band and Valley Troubadours. Call 845-2192 for details.
9 a.m. Buffalo American Legion and Auxiliary Easton Yanish Post #10 Memorial Day ceremonies at Greenwood Cemetery and Buffalo Cemetery
10:30 a.m. Eckelson-Sanborn American Legion Auxiliary Memorial Day Program, Sacred Heart Catholic Church
11 a.m. Memorial Day Program at Buffalo Community Century
noon Buffalo Legion Auxiliary free will lunch

Go to to see more events happening in and around Valley City.