Hotline 9.21.20
This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:
• COVID-19 testing to be held today at fieldhouse parking lot
• Drive-through flu shot clinic to be held at Winter Show on Wednesday
• Ephrim to present virtual artist talk on Friday
• Complete the 2020 Census
• Free Care19 Alert app available
• Face coverings on campus
• Coronavirus updates
• Viking sports updates
• What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…
The VCSU Hotline online newsletter is published weekly during the academic year. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 3 p.m. Friday.
COVID-19 testing to be held today at fieldhouse parking lot
A free COVID-19 testing event for the VCSU and Valley City communities will be held today, Monday, Sept. 21, from 4-5 p.m. in the West Fieldhouse Parking Lot.
Preregistration at is encouraged; one only needs to register once.
Drive-thru flu shot clinic to be held at Winter Show on Wednesday
City-County Health District is holding a drive-thru influenza immunization clinic on Wednesday, Sept. 23, from 3-7 p.m. at the North Dakota Winter Show South Exhibit Hall.
Take advantage of this safe and convenient event for ages 19 plus! High-dose and conventional flu vaccines will be available. It’s more important than ever this year to protect yourself against influenza.
Insurance will be processed. United HealthCare insurance is not accepted.
Call 701-845-8518 for more information or to make an appointment for ages 18 and under.
Ephrim to present virtual artist talk on Friday
Ekow Ephrim, assistant professor of art, will present a virtual artist talk on his exhibition “The Space In-Between” on Friday, Sept. 25, at 11 a.m. The talk will be presented on YouTube at
“The Space In-Between” exhibition, which runs through Oct. 15, features Ephrim’s experimental graphic design work and MFA thesis work.
Free Care19 Alert app available
VCSU students and employees are strongly encouraged to download a free smartphone app, Care19 Alert, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy with technology developed by Apple and Google.
Care19 Alert uses Bluetooth proximity technology provided by both Apple and Google notification systems. The app provides proactive alerts and notifications to users based on anonymous keys exchanged between smartphones as users go about their daily activities.
Care19 Alert users will be notified if their device was in proximity of another device whose user tests positive for COVID-19. The app updates daily with positive COVID-19 results submitted by other users, which are then checked against the list of random keys that each device has encountered for more than 15 minutes in the last 14 days.
People who use Care19 Alert must explicitly choose to turn on exposure notifications, and they can turn off the app at any time. The Apple-Google Notification System utilized by the app does not collect, use or store any device location, including for users who report positive results.
Users have the option to decide whether to report a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, and identities are not known to Apple, Google or other app users. The system is only used for exposure notifications by official public health authorities and is not monetized.
The free app is available to download through the App Store and the Google Play Store. For more information, visit
Complete the 2020 Census
If you haven’t already done so, please complete the 2020 Census. Your response will influence the next 10 years of federal funding. That includes North Dakota’s share of funding for public health and aid during emergencies and disaster declarations. One missed resident is equal to a $19,100 loss in funding to North Dakota.
The census is safe, confidential and secure. Completing the census has never been easier and can be done by mail, phone and for the first time, online at
Face coverings on campus
A reminder that all students, staff, faculty, affiliates and campus visitors are required to wear face coverings when interacting with others on the VCSU campus. The VCSU Safe Operating Procedures regarding face coverings can be found at
Coronavirus updates
Campus coronavirus updates can be found at Here you can find updates with news of positives cases within the campus community, along with information regarding impact to campus activities and facilities.
A dashboard detailing COVID-19 isolations and close contacts can be found at
This information will be updated regularly as needed.
There is also a host of resources with detailed information for employees and students on OneStop at
Viking sports update
Sept. 19: VCSU 17, Waldorf University 16
The VCSU football team improved to 2-0 this season with a one-point win over Waldorf University on Saturday. The Vikings play at Dickinson State this Saturday.
Sept. 16: VCSU 3, Dickinson State 2
Sept. 18: VCSU 3, Presentation College
The Viking volleyball team won both its matches last weekend, including a 3-2 win over Dickinson State in the conference opener. VCSU is now 2-5 overall. VCSU’s Tuesday game this week has been postponed. Next action for the Vikings is Friday at Dakota State.
Sept. 17: Mayville State 7, VCSU 1
The Viking baseball team opened the fall season on Thursday, losing 7-1 to Mayville State. The Vikings play at Mayville State on Monday afternoon.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 21: Golf at Dickinson State Invite, 10 a.m. (Medora, N.D.)
Sept. 21: Baseball at Mayville State, 3 p.m.
Sept. 23: Baseball at University of Jamestown, 6 p.m.
Sept. 25: Volleyball at Dakota State University, 7 p.m. (Madison, S.D.)
Sept. 26: Softball at North Dakota State College of Science, noon (Wahpeton, N.D.) (scrimmage)
Sept. 26: Football at Dickinson State, 3 p.m.
Sept. 27-28: Golf at M-State Triangular, 11 a.m./9 a.m. (Fergus Falls, Minn.)
Sept. 28: Cross Country at Dickinson State Invitational, 4 p.m.
What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…
Monday, September 21
Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals and Valley City Veterinary Hospital spay/neuter week, offering 15% discount and $25 toward spay/neuter (Sept. 21-25)
10 a.m., Viking golf at Dickinson State University Invitational, Bully Pulpit Golf Course, Medora, N.D. (Sept. 20-21)
3 p.m., Viking baseball at Mayville State University
4-5 p.m., free COVID-19 testing for Valley City and VCSU communities, West Fieldhouse Parking Lot
4-6 p.m., Farmers Market, Rosebud Visitor Center Parking Lot
Tuesday, September 22
5-7 p.m., Valley City Lions ham and beef supper, Valley City Eagles Club
6 p.m., Valley City Barnes County Public Library virtual cooking class for ages 5-12 on YouTube
Wednesday, September 23
3-7 p.m., City County Health District drive-through flu shot clinic for Valley City and VCSU communities, North Dakota Winter Show
6 p.m., Viking baseball at University of Jamestown
Thursday, September 24
4-6 p.m., Farmers Market, Rosebud Visitor Center Parking Lot
7 p.m., Valley City Barnes County Public Library In Knots crochet on Zoom
Friday, September 25
11 a.m.-4 p.m., Bridge City Dentistry tailgate open house
7 p.m., Viking volleyball at Dakota State University (Madison, S.D.)
Saturday, September 26
noon, Viking softball at North Dakota State College of Science (Wahpeton, N.D.) (scrimmage)
3 p.m., Viking football at Dickinson State University (Dickinson, N.D.)
Sunday, September 27
11 a.m., Viking golf at M-State Triangular (Fergus Falls, Minn.) (Sept. 27-28)
Monday, September 28
10 a.m. “Audit Your Social Media” workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
4-6 p.m., Farmers Market, Rosebud Visitor Center Parking Lot
Tuesday, September 29
10 a.m., “Make Your Website Work for You” social media workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
4 p.m., Viking cross country at Dickinson State Invitational
6 p.m., Valley City Barnes County Public Library virtual cooking class for ages 13 and up on YouTube
Wednesday, September 30
10 a.m., Valley City Barnes County Public Library virtual story hour on YouTube
10 a.m., “Make Better Business Decisions with Analytics” social media workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
Thursday, October 1
11 a.m., “Business Writing for Social Media” workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
4-6 p.m., Farmers Market, Rosebud Visitor Center Parking Lot
Friday, October 2
11 a.m., “Creating Your Brand” social media workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
Saturday, October 3
Yahughs Annual Sacred Festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles), Torah Keepers invited to call 218-766-8176 for more information.
Sunday, October 4
Monday, October 5
11 a.m.-noon, ”Voting: It’s Your Right,” presented by North Dakota Protection and Advocacy (to receive your Zoom or call-in information RSVP to 701-252-4693 or email