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Hotline 9.28.20

Sep 28, 2020

This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:

• President’s column: Celebrating fall semester successes
• Teams Live open forum with Emergency Management Team today at noon
• COVID-19 testing to be held today at fieldhouse parking lot
• Flu shot clinic for students and employees to be held Wednesday
District 24 Candidate Forum and Measures Discussion to be held Oct. 6 in Vangstad
• Complete the 2020 Census
Free Care19 Alert app available
• Coronavirus update
• Viking sports update
• What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

The VCSU Hotline online newsletter is published weekly during the academic year. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 3 p.m. Friday.

President Alan D. LaFave

President’s Column: Celebrating fall semester successes

As we complete our sixth week of classes, I’d like to take some time to share three meaningful successes we’ve experienced this semester.

We all have seen the impact of COVID-19 on our society — whether in the health care sector, business operations, long-term care facilities, or education, all areas have adjusted to continue operations in as effective, safe, and normal manner as possible.

Both the K-12 and higher education environments have been turned upside down with planning, preparation, execution, and responsiveness to new learning environments, pedagogies, and student activities. VCSU has succeeded greatly in this response.

As of this writing on Sept. 25, our campus COVID-19 dashboard reports only two active positive cases with two students in isolation off-campus, and 11 individuals (2 on-campus students, 8 off-campus students, and 1 employee) identified as close contacts in quarantine.

Our university numbers peaked in late August but have been stable and declining since mid-September.

I wish to extend thanks to the entire campus community for their efforts in keeping our student, faculty, and staff safe and successful during this challenging semester. It’s important, however, to remain diligent and not get complacent. As we all know, the current low numbers of active cases could escalate quickly if we become negligent or careless in following our guidelines and protocols.

On a different note, our final enrollment numbers have been released, and we are thrilled to report our headcount has set a new record and our FTE is the second highest in the past decade. These positive numbers — a record 1,676 total headcount, a record 1,541 undergraduates, and 1,159 total FTE — reflect the tremendous work of our entire community, the quality experiences we offer in and out of the classroom, the value of a VCSU education, and the personal approach students recognize and appreciate here.

Other success measures we celebrate this week are our selection by U.S. News as the No. 4 public regional college in the Midwest and our recognition by College Raptor as one of 21 Great Plains “Hidden Gem” schools. These accolades confirm what we all believe —that VCSU is a special place! I’m so thankful to be working with our talented and dedicated students, faculty, and staff as we continue to grow and improve our standing in this competitive higher education environment.

Under normal circumstances, many alumni and friends would be returning to VCSU for homecoming. Although COVID-19 concerns have resulted in the cancellation of alumni activities, our students are moving forward with a full week full of their own events and activities in celebration of homecoming week.

Despite our challenges this fall, we’re off to a great start, and I’m very proud of all the good work that has contributed to our campus successes. Go Vikings!

Teams Live open forum with Emergency Management Team today at noon

Please join President LaFave and the Emergency Management Team for an Teams Live open forum today (Monday, Sept. 28) at noon.  The discussion will center around the university’s continued response to COVID-19. Use the following link to join the forum: COVID Open Forum.

COVID-19 testing to be held today at fieldhouse parking lot

A free COVID-19 testing event for the VCSU and Valley City communities will be held today, Monday, Sept. 28,  from 4-5 p.m. in the West Fieldhouse Parking Lot.

Preregistration at is encouraged; one only needs to register once.

Flu shot clinic for students and employees to be held Wednesday

City-County Health District will be holding a flu shot clinic on Wednesday, Sept. 30, from 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. at the Presidents Room in the VCSU Student Center. High-dose and conventional vaccine will be available for ages 6 months through adult. See the influenza vaccine info sheet (2020-21 influenza vaccine info) for more information.

Contact person
• Please preregister by emailing Betty Tykwinski (
• Complete the VAR form (2020-21 flu var form) through the acknowledgment section and bring it, along with your insurance card, to the clinic

What to bring
• Insurance card required to receive immunization

Insurance info
• Medicare Part B recipients do not pay at time of clinic
• Billable insurance: BCBS, Sanford Health, Humana, Medica, Health Partners, Medicaid
• CCHD cannot accept United Healthcare insurance for immunizations

Two additional flu shot clinics will be held on campus on Oct. 15 and Oct. 22.

VCSU Health Services encourages everyone — faculty, staff, and students — to get their flu shot.

District 24 Candidate Forum and Measures Discussion to be held Oct. 6 in Vangstad

A District 24 candidate forum and a discussion of the two measures that will be on the ballot will be held Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m. in Vangstad Auditorium.

Ellen Chaffee, Ph.D., former president of VCSU, will speak briefly about the measures, sharing her position on Nos. 1 and 2 and her thoughts on why No. 3 is no longer on the ballot. Chaffee is a board member of the group that initiated Measure 3.

Following Chaffee’s presentation, the six legislative candidates for District 24 will then be invited to respond to her presentation and also briefly state why each is running. Audience members will then be able to submit written questions on any topic for candidate response.

The District 24 Democrat-NPL candidates are Senator Larry Robinson, Senate candidate, and Naomi Muscha and Bradley Edin, running for seats in the House of Representatives. The Republican candidates are Senate candidate Mike Wobbema and Representative Dwight Kiefert and Cole Christensen, running for House seats.

The event, sponsored by “What in the World Is Going On?,” will be moderated by Anthony Dutton, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Social Science Department.

VCSU health and safety protocols will be observed, including physical distancing and mandatory face coverings.

Complete the 2020 Census

If you haven’t already done so, please complete the 2020 Census. Your response will influence the next 10 years of federal funding. That includes North Dakota’s share of funding for public health and aid during emergencies and disaster declarations. One missed resident is equal to a $19,100 loss in funding to North Dakota.

The census is safe, confidential and secure. Completing the census has never been easier and can be done by mail, phone and for the first time, online at

Free Care19 Alert app available

VCSU students and employees are strongly encouraged to download a free smartphone app, Care19 Alert, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy with technology developed by Apple and Google.

Care19 Alert uses Bluetooth proximity technology provided by both Apple and Google notification systems. The app provides proactive alerts and notifications to users based on anonymous keys exchanged between smartphones as users go about their daily activities.

Care19 Alert users will be notified if their device was in proximity of another device whose user tests positive for COVID-19. The app updates daily with positive COVID-19 results submitted by other users, which are then checked against the list of random keys that each device has encountered for more than 15 minutes in the last 14 days. 

People who use Care19 Alert must explicitly choose to turn on exposure notifications, and they can turn off the app at any time. The Apple-Google Notification System utilized by the app does not collect, use or store any device location, including for users who report positive results.

Users have the option to decide whether to report a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, and identities are not known to Apple, Google or other app users. The system is only used for exposure notifications by official public health authorities and is not monetized.

The free app is available to download through the App Store and the Google Play Store. For more information, visit

masked students outside student center

Coronavirus update

Campus coronavirus updates can be found at Here you can find updates with news of positives cases within the campus community, along with information regarding impact to campus activities and facilities.

A dashboard detailing COVID-19 isolations and close contacts can be found at This information will be updated regularly as needed.

There is also a host of resources with detailed information for employees and students on OneStop at

A reminder that all students, staff, faculty, affiliates and campus visitors are required to wear face coverings when interacting with others on the VCSU campus. The VCSU Safe Operating Procedures regarding face coverings can be found at

Viking logo

Viking sports update

Sept. 26: Dickinson State 27, Valley City State 13
The Vikings lost a battle of unbeatens on Saturday in Dickinson, dropping their overall record to 2-1 this season. VCSU’s upcoming Oct. 3 game against Mayville State has been postponed. The Vikings are back in action Oct. 10 at home against Presentation College.

The VCSU volleyball team had all its matches postponed last week, but are scheduled for three matches at home this week. The Vikings host Jamestown on Wednesday, Waldorf University on Friday and Viterbo University on Saturday. 

The VCSU golf team competed at the Spartan Invite on Sunday in Fergus Falls, Minn. Hayley Shanks tied for first place in the women’s tournament with a round of 81. Rory Gentzkow tied for fourth on the men’s side with a 79. Viking golf wraps up the fall season on Monday with another one-day tournament in Fergus Falls. 

Sept. 21: VCSU 8, Mayville State 4
Sept. 23: University of Jamestown 6, VCSU 4
The VCSU baseball team went 1-1 last week, including an 8-4 win at Mayville State. The Vikings host games against Jamestown on Tuesday and Mayville on Friday. 

 Cross Country
Viking Cross Country is in action Monday afternoon at the Dickinson State Invite. Racing starts at 4 p.m. in Dickinson.

 Upcoming Events
Sept. 28: Golf @ M-State Triangular, 9 a.m. (Fergus Falls, Minn.)
Sept. 28: Cross Country @ Dickinson State Invite, 4 p.m.
Sept. 29: Baseball vs. Univ. of Jamestown, 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 30: Volleyball vs. Univ. of Jamestown, 7 p.m.
Oct. 2: Baseball vs. Mayville State, 5:30 p.m.
Oct. 2: Volleyball vs. Waldorf University, 7 p.m.
Oct. 3: Volleyball vs. Viterbo University, 11 a.m.
Oct. 3: Football vs. Mayville State postponed to Nov. 21
Oct. 4: Baseball @ Univ. of Jamestown, 1 p.m.

What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…

Monday, September 28
9 a.m., Viking golf, M-State Triangular, Fergus Falls, Minn.
10 a.m. “Audit Your Social Media” workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
4 p.m., Viking cross country at Dickinson State Invite
4-5 p.m., free COVID-19 testing for Valley City and VCSU communities, West Fieldhouse Parking Lot
4-6 p.m., Farmers Market, Rosebud Visitor Center Parking Lot

Tuesday, September 29
10 a.m., “Make Your Website Work for You” social media workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
6 p.m., Valley City Barnes County Public Library virtual cooking class for ages 13 and up on YouTube
6:30 p.m., Viking baseball vs. University of Jamestown, Charlie Brown Field

Wednesday, September 30
10 a.m., Valley City Barnes County Public Library virtual story hour on YouTube
10 a.m., “Make Better Business Decisions with Analytics” social media workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
7 p.m., Viking volleyball vs. University of Jamestown, W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse 

Thursday, October 1
11 a.m., “Life-Work Balance in a Virtual Environment: Let’s Name It,” Brown bag discussion via Teams led by Erin Klingenberg
11 a.m., “Business Writing for Social Media” workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
4-6 p.m., Farmers Market, Rosebud Visitor Center Parking Lot

Friday, October 2
11 a.m., “Creating Your Brand” social media workshop, Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center
5:30 p.m., Viking baseball vs. Mayville State University, Charlie Brown Field
7 p.m., Viking volleyball vs. Waldorf University, W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse

Saturday, October 3
Yahughs Annual Sacred Festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles), Torah Keepers invited to call 218-766-8176 for more information.
8:30-noon, Youth Pheasant Hunt, Enderlin-Sheldon Shooting Range
11 a.m., Viking volleyball vs. Viterbo University, W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse

Sunday, October 4
1 p.m., Viking baseball at University of Jamestown, Jamestown, N.D.

Monday, October 5
11 a.m.-noon, ”Voting: It’s Your Right,” presented by North Dakota Protection and Advocacy (to receive your Zoom or call-in information RSVP to 701-252-4693 or email

Tuesday, October 6
7 p.m., District 24 Candidate Forum and Measures Discussion sponsored by “What in the World Is Going On?,” Vangstad Auditorium

Wednesday, October 7
7 p.m., Viking volleyball at Mayville State University, Mayville, N.D.

Thursday, October 8

Friday, October 9
Viking cross country at Jimmie Invitational, Jamestown, N.D.

Saturday, October 10
noon, Viking volleyball at Presentation College, Aberdeen, S.D.
1 p.m., Viking football at Presentation College, Aberdeen, S.D.

Sunday, October 11
noon, Viking volleyball at Bellevue College, Bellevue, Neb.