NDUS launches search for next VCSU president
The North Dakota University System has launched a search for the next president of Valley City State University. The new VCSU president will succeed Tisa Mason, who departed Valley City in December 2017 to assume the presidency of Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas.
Margaret Dahlberg, VCSU vice president for academic affairs, has been serving as interim president since Dec. 16, 2017, by appointment of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education.
Co-chairing the VCSU Presidential Search Committee are Greg Stemen, SBHE member and VCSU alumnus, and Wesley Wintch, VCSU vice president for business affairs. Other committee members include:
- Anthony Dutton, associate professor of history, VCSU
- Jody Henjum, administrative assistant, academic affairs, VCSU
- Paige Meyer, undergraduate student, VCSU
- Jerry Migler, dean, Dakota College of Bottineau (NDUS representative)
- Phil Mueller, member, VCSU Foundation Board; former North Dakota state representative
- Mike Nix, director for technology service desk, VCSU
- Steve Rindfleisch, graduate student and assistant volleyball coach, VCSU
- Larry Robinson, executive director of advancement, VCSU Foundation; North Dakota state senator
- Charlene Stenson, director for enrollment services, VCSU
- Jamie Wirth, assistant professor and director of Great Plains STEM Education Center, VCSU
VCSU and NDUS have retained AGB Search, a national higher education leadership search firm, to assist in the process.
More information about the search can be found at www.vcsu.edu/presidentialsearch.
Nominations and applications for the VCSU presidency should be sent electronically (in Word or PDF format) to valleycitypresident@agbsearch.com. To assure best consideration, nominations and applications should be received by July 12, 2018.