President’s Column: Giving Thanks
By VCSU President Alan LaFave
Greetings from Valley City State University!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times and holidays of the year. Our beautiful campus takes on another level of beauty with the recent blanket of snow, signifying the ever-changing seasons. As we focus on our plans for continued growth and quality, Thanksgiving provides an important opportunity to pause and reflect on the many achievements and points of pride and success for which we are thankful.
Community support
We often speak of the important town-gown relationship between our campus, Valley City community and surrounding region. We are continually reminded of this important relationship that is so very impactful. With over $1.9 million in scholarship allocations this past year, there is a clear connection with enrollment growth and retention of our students. In fact, over the past five years, our donors have made it possible to provide over $9 million in scholarship assistance to our students! This is an amazing testament to the generosity and confidence our friends and alumni have in the quality and value of a VCSU experience.
A former colleague of mine – Mr. Bob Olson – would refer to retaining as “re-recruiting” and this is something that has always resonated with me. Our campus retention committee is focused on bringing forward initiatives that will help our students be successful and attain their goal of a college degree leading to a rewarding career.
Enrollment growth and quality indicators
The collective efforts of our entire campus – academic departments, athletics, faculty, staff, division of student affairs, enrollment services, registrar, financial aid, business office and foundation office – have all contributed to three consecutive semesters of record-breaking growth. With a Fall 2024 enrollment of 1,806 students and recognition by U.S. News and World Report as the second ranked regional college in the Midwest (12 states), we continue to provide an outstanding educational experience to a growing number of students.
McCarthy Hall renovation
We are grateful and excited to see progress on the northeast corner of campus. The collaborative work of architects, designers, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and site workers is progressing in a project slated for completion in late summer 2025. This tangible and visible result of our successful capital campaign efforts will become the new home for our School of Education and Technical Education as we continue our important work of preparing future teachers. The $13.5 million project was made possible through the generous support of our legislature ($11.5 million) and matching gifts ($2 million) from private donors and other funds. The projected workforce needs in North Dakota for teachers continues to be significant. We pledge to do our part and continue leading the way in filling this important need for our state.
Intercollegiate athletics and the arts
We are grateful for the opportunities for our student-athletes to train in a safe environment, be a part of a team and participate in a competitive conference and non-conference schedule. Our athletes carry forward the Viking tradition of excellence and represent VCSU with pride in competition. We know that there are numerous positive mental health benefits to being involved in a team. As we move forward with the final design preparations for our new athletic practice facility, we are excited to see the impact this will have for our teams and current and future students.
Additionally, the growth and quality of our music ensembles is impressive. This fall has included several great performances by our music department at the Larry J. Robinson Center for the Arts. Both athletics and music participation provide numerous leadership and growth opportunities for our students and enhance the quality of life in Valley City. If you haven’t had an opportunity to take in one of the free performances by our students, gallery shows in the new art gallery, or athletic contests, we invite and encourage you to join us.
Beautiful campus in a beautiful city
Finally, we are grateful to come to work each day in one of the most picturesque campuses in the upper Midwest, nestled in the heart of our beautiful community. This is truly a beautiful and remarkable place.
On behalf of the students, staff, faculty and administration of Valley City State University, we wish you all a wonderful and enjoyable Thanksgiving! May this be a time of giving thanks for family, friends, community, and continued collaboration for years to come! Take a moment to reflect on all that you are thankful for at this special time of year and share those thanks with those who are close and important to you.
Go Vikings!