President’s Column: Summer Vikes and the Power of Partnership
Greetings from VCSU!
The Summer Nights on Central evenings have been a Valley City tradition since 2019. Attracting between 500-1,000 people, the events feature live music, late night shopping, food and beverage vendors, and opportunities to connect with friends and become acquainted with the local business community.
We value the excellent town-gown relationship between Valley City State University and the community and are excited to partner in this endeavor on September 8 featuring live music by Slamabama. This event will welcome incoming and current VCSU students to Valley City and introduce them to local businesses and community members in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.
In a symbolic and visible display of the important connection between our university and community, the 2022 incoming freshman class, along with current students, athletic teams, staff, faculty, and VCSU Viking family members will meet at the footbridge and walk as a group to join the event. Our plans are to meet at the footbridge at 5:30 p.m. on September 8 to make the trek downtown. All who are interested are invited to join us!
The collaboration and mutual support of our university and community are part of what makes this place so special.
Another example of this type of partnership is the work our campus, the Dakota College at Bottineau and the Valley City – Barnes County Development Corporation have done to support healthcare education. Our three entities have been working to develop courses and training related to electrocardiogram, or EKG, technology. We successfully hosted EKG training on campus last year and worked to develop an online version of the course that includes a unique simulator for students to get experience reading EKG strips.
As the need for EKG-trained workforce continues to grow, we are now looking for an instructor dedicated to teach these courses. If you know of someone who would love to teach in this capacity feel free to share our website, with them.
Go Vikings!