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Campus Activities

Summer Vikes on Central: September 8

Jun 16, 2022

Valley City State University is excited to partner with Summer Nights on Central to host the first annual Summer Vikes on Central event on September 8 featuring live music by Slamabama. This event will welcome incoming and current VCSU students to Valley City and introduce them to local businesses and community members in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.

Summer Vikes on CentralSummer Nights on Central is a series of events held each summer on Central Avenue in downtown Valley City featuring live music, late night shopping, food and beverage vendors and more. These events were started in 2019 and have previously drawn a crowd of 500 to 1,000 people. The community events will take place in July with performances by FM All Stars on July 14 and 2 Weeks Notice on July 21.

The freshmen class will join President LaFave at the VCSU footbridge before the event. From there, the VCSU Marching Band will lead the group downtown where they will join the community. All current VCSU students and members of the VCSU Viking Family that are interested in marching, are invited to meet at the footbridge at 5:30 p.m. on September 8.

Businesses are encouraged to set up a booth where they can provide information, freebies, drawings, games, giveaways or college student discounts. Those interested can sign up at

This event is for all ages and admission is free for both Summer Nights on Central and Summer Vikes on Central. These events are open to the public and the community is encouraged to attend.