The value of external collaboration
Greetings from Valley City State University!
When I interviewed for the VCSU presidency, one of the most consistent and overriding comments I heard from campus and community constituents centered on the strength of the relationship between the university and the Valley City/Barnes County community, and the importance of sustaining and enhancing this relationship. I have found this to be very true, and I am thankful for it.
I’m happy to report that the working relationships the university enjoys with Valley City and other area schools, the city and county commissions, the Valley City–Barnes County Economic Development Corporation, and other local and regional organizations, all the way up to state legislators and administrators, are robust and healthy. These strong relationships helped immensely in the legislative session, and the positive results for VCSU coming out of the session demonstrate their important value.
The direct beneficiary of these relationships and the results are our students, but the opportunity for open dialogue, sharing of ideas and strategies, and working together helps all these groups succeed. In the words of a former mentor with a naval background, “A rising tide lifts all boats!”
When permanent flood protection was discussed and planned for Valley City, phase one of the process included protection of the VCSU campus. We are so appreciative to know we are protected in the event of a major flood event in the future. This support also demonstrates the recognition of the value of our institution to Valley City.
To celebrate the permanent flood protection progress in the city, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held on Thursday on Main Street by the foot bridge to City Park. Lieutenant Governor Brent Sanford is scheduled to attend, and we hope that many of you will join us at the event.
On that same day, VCSU will welcome the North Dakota Legislature’s Interim Higher Education Funding Formula Review Committee to campus. We appreciate all the legislature has done for higher education and VCSU, and I look forward to sharing an update with the committee on the good things that have been happening on campus since the end of the legislative session.
It’s very gratifying to see the outstanding public support in place for VCSU. Let us all pledge to continue to work together for the betterment of our campus, students, community and state.
Go Vikings!