VCSU group travels to Argentina

Fourteen adventurous individuals, associated with Valley City State University, with a variety of experience, skillsets, and interests recently joined together on a service-learning trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The group focused on learning about different cultures and understanding programming and resources that minimize violence in relationships.
Each day was filled with cultural activities and educational programming. The group learned about five different groups working with a variety of organizations. Through meetings and tours, the group learned resources provided to Argentinian citizens by private, city, national, and international organizations.
Highlights of the trip included attending a soccer match where the home team, San Lorenzo, won 2-0, followed by a spread of food while learning about national legislation aimed at protecting partners of players of professional sports from violence. After the game, the VCSU group had an opportunity to go on the field.
The travelers also traveled to Colonia, Uruguay. They toured world-famous locations including Recoleta Cemetery, the city of Tigre by boat with some of the most diverse islands in the world. This included historic Catholic churches and government buildings including La Casa Rosada (The Pink House) which is the Argentine equivalent to the White House.
There were plenty of opportunities to try local foods including milanesa and choripan, ride the Buenos Aries Underground, locally known as Subte, attend a tango performance and even test their own skills while taking a tango dance class. Participants also enjoyed the social norm of drinking mate, a South American caffeine-rich infused herbal drink. Some purchased their own containers to continue the tradition after they returned home.
VCSU’s Global Exploration Club is planning to explore Peru in March of 2024 and Spain in 2025.