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Abby Hill

Dec 19, 2024

Abby Hill pointing to graphic on a laptop, speaking with other student across the table

Like most college students, Abby Hill grew up with computers and technology being a big part of her life. However with both a grandma and father who taught computer classes, Hill was exposed to the inner workings of a computer and it slowly became something she grew interest in.

Hometown: Gwinner, N.D.
Year: Junior
Major: Computer Information Systems
Activities on campus: VCAB, ACM, Viking Voyage Mentor, NSO mentor, Tutor, Intramural sports (Volleyball and Flag football).

What made you choose Computer Information Systems as your major?
I grew up around computers with my grandma and father both teaching classes, computers became something I really enjoyed working with and figuring out!

Any favorite memories so far?
The paint bucket game vs. University of Jamestown my sophomore year was amazing!

Favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot to be on campus is the learning commons because it is a great atmosphere to get work done or just relax in!

I chose VCSU because I was offered a great scholarship and I was drawn in by the smaller campus and friendly staff/students!

Any advice for those considering VCSU?
If you are thinking about coming to VCSU for school, you should take a tour and talk to our amazing departments to get a feel for the knowledge you can gain here. Also get to know the town and some of the students here to really get a good picture of what awaits you at VCSU!