Hotline // October 16, 2024
This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:
- President’s Column: Supportive donors, scholarship dinner, students on campus
- Vaccination clinic on campus Oct. 17
- Free public planetarium show this Saturday
- Fall Choral Concert this Sunday
- VCSU to celebrate National Day on Writing
- Author and speaker, Todd Zakrajsek to visit VCSU on Oct. 22
- Artist talk and reception for Polymer Skies to take place Oct. 23
- VCSU hosting Tomorrow’s Teachers visit days
- VCSU clinical counselors present at the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
- Library staff attend North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference
- Meet education graduate Saige Forseth
- Viking sports update
- What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…
President's Column: Supportive donors, scholarship dinner, students on campus
VCSU scholarship donors Don ’63 and Sandy Bauer stand for a photo with scholarship recipients Zachary St. Aubin and Kendra Odegard.
Greetings from Valley City State University!
Last week gave us an opportunity to gather donors and students together for our annual scholarship dinner. This is an outstanding event that allows for students and donors to connect and share their backgrounds, histories, and association with VCSU – both past and present. The large gathering was held at the Valley City Eagles Club on Monday evening, October 7, following the VCSU Foundation Board meeting. The opportunity to share some fall 2024 campus updates and plans for the year was the precursor to a wonderful evening of food, fellowship, and conversation.
We are greatly appreciative of our donors who helped make possible the awarding of over $1.9 million in private scholarship support for our students. We know increased enrollment has a positive effect on our community. The support of these donors helps keep the cost of attaining a college degree affordable and has had a positive impact on our enrollment records the last three semesters in a row.
Over the next month, Valley City State is holding several events welcoming area high school students to campus. Our continued focus to host events for students creates ongoing opportunities for career exploration and skill development.
- Spanish Day will be held on Wednesday, October 16. Organized by our language and literature department and Professor Luis Betancur, this event will bring about 100 students together who have a mutual interest in advancing their own Spanish speaking and communication skills. Students attending Spanish Day will explore slang from Spanish-speaking countries, learn about their diverse cuisines, hear music from popular Hispanic artists and do imaginative craft projects. The VCSU music department will also perform a mini concert for Spanish Day participants. We have seen the number of students interested in Spanish increase over the past several years and appreciate the leadership of professor Betancur in this effort.
- There will be two upcoming opportunities for students interested in an education career. VCSU’s Tomorrows Teacher’s events will be held on Wednesday, October 30 and November 13. Participants will have several immersive opportunities to meet with current pre-service education majors and faculty in the School of Education and attend education classes during the day. For more information on this event, please contact Enrollment Services at (701) 845-7101 or register at this link. Special thanks to Dr. Allen Burgad, Dean of the School of Education and the faculty and students from the School of Education for providing these “hands on” career exploration opportunities in education.
- Finally, on October 24 and 25, the 21st annual Ployhar Band Festival will be held in the Larry J. Robinson Center for the Arts. Named after one of our distinguished alumni and music hall of fame members, James D. Ployhar, this prestigious band has been selected from students across North Dakota through an audition process. The guest conductor will be Professor Jerrold Heide, director of bands at VCSU. VCSU music faculty and students will also assist throughout the day. This year’s band will be the biggest in the history of the event with 92 members. Statewide interest has also increased with almost 200 students auditioning. The two-day long festival will conclude with a grand final concert in the performance hall at 7:00 p.m. on October 25. The concert is free and open to the public.
Thank you, to our faculty and staff, for organizing these events and bringing these students to our campus and Valley City. Go Vikings!
Vaccination clinic on campus Oct. 17
City-County Health District will be holding a Respiratory Vaccination Clinic at VCSU on Thursday, Oct. 17 from 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in the VCSU Student Center Skoal Room.
- Vaccines that will be available: 2024-25 Influenza (flu) and COVID
- A voucher for 3000 points will be available for employees who participate in the Dakota Wellness Program upon request.
- Family members of students, faculty and staff are welcome to participate in this clinic as well, preregistration is recommended.
Those interested can register at rF03NmA0Nx.
This is only a preregistration process, so the staff have an idea of how much vaccine they need to provide. Those registered can come anytime between 10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. to get their vaccinations.
Free public planetarium show this Saturday
VCSU’s Planetarium presents “Finding Polaris I” and “Finding Polaris II” on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. The planetarium is located in the Rhoades Science Center Room 309. The show is free and open to the public.
Valley City State University is home to the only planetarium in North Dakota. Rhoades Science Center houses a Spitz 512 planetarium with a 24-foot domed ceiling and 50 reclining seats.
Each semester, VCSU students produce a new show to be used in the Planetarium. Shows range from basic astronomy to exploring how Lewis and Clark used the night sky to aid in their exploration of North America.
For more information about the VCSU Planetarium contact Wes Anderson, 701-845-0966.
Fall Choral Concert this Sunday
The VCSU Music Department presents Fall Choral Concert on Sunday, Oct. 20. The event will take place in the Larry J. Robinson Center for the Arts Performance Hall at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend and admission is free.
The concert will be livestreamed at
VCSU to celebrate National Day on Writing
The VCSU campus will celebrate the National Day on Writing on Friday, Oct. 18 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Student Center, join the VCSU English Club, Spanish Club, and the Department of Language and Literature in a variety of writing, creative, and translation activities. Follow along on social media @ncte and @vcsulanglitdept: #WhyIWrite and #VCSUWriting.
The National Council of Teachers of English describes the purpose of this day, “To draw attention to the remarkable variety of writing Americans engage in and to help make writers from all walks of life aware of their craft, the National Council of Teachers of English has established Oct. 20 as the National Day on Writing®. It’s important for everyone to share their knowledge about writing, organize participating groups in our schools and/or communities, and transform the public’s understanding of writing and the role it plays in society today.”
Contact event coordinator, Emily D. Wicktor, associate professor of English, if you have questions:
Author and speaker, Todd Zakrajsek to visit VCSU on Oct. 22
Zakrajsek is the author of multiple classic books in the field of education, including the successful book “The New Science of Learning: How to Learn In Harmony with Your Brain”. Zakrajsek plans to advise VCSU employees on how to create a motivating, creative and engaging community, as well as share with students how best to learn in consideration of how the brain works.
Zakrajsek will lead a total of five sessions in the Larry J. Robinson Center for the Arts. The schedule is as follows:
Education majors session – invite only
9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. — “Student Self-Assessment to Promote a Growth Mindset, Effective Instructional Assessment Strategies to Enhance Student Learning”, Choir Room CFA 177
General sessions – open to all VCSU students, staff and faculty
11 a.m.— “Study Less and Learn More: Applying Principles of the New Science of Learning”, CFA Performance Hall
Learning is challenging work, but there are so many possibilities to succeed when you learn in harmony with your brain. This workshop will look at concepts, techniques, strategies, tips, and ideas to help you become a stronger learner by selecting and adopting behaviors that reinforce learning inside and outside the classroom.
Noon— “Universal Threads: Uncovering Your Connections in the Learning Process”, CFA Performance Hall
The essential processes of learning are all very similar across learning experiences, whether they happen in a classroom, at work, or at home. In this session, we will take a practical look at foundational aspects of learning and the connections that drive the entire learning process. The overall goal of this session is that you learn practical strategies you can use to help yourself learn better and be more effective in your campus role and to help others be more effective learners in a variety of situations.
Both sessions include practical strategies you can use to help yourself learn better and to be more effective in your campus role. These sessions will cover material from his book “The New Science of Learning” which can be accessed as an ebook through the VCSU Allen Memorial Library.
Faculty sessions
2 p.m.— Faculty presentation, Choir Room CFA 177
How can we, as instructors, engage students who seem uninterested in course content and assignments? While part of the responsibility lies with students, we can motivate and inspire them. This workshop will explore strategies to make classroom learning more meaningful, using theories of learning and motivation to boost student engagement. And we might have some fun too.
3 p.m.— Interactive Application Session with questions and answers, Choir Room CFA 177
Bring your questions, hot topics, and sticky points to pick Todd’s brain for ideas and potential solutions.
The library has also obtained unlimited electronic access to his book “Teaching at Its Best”, a resource of 27 chapters pertaining to nearly every concept related to teaching at your best.
Zakrajsek currently directs five Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and sits on two educationally related boards and several editorial boards for journals in the area of teaching and learning. He is an international speaker who is requested regularly for keynote presentations and campus workshops, having published and presented widely on the topic of effective teaching and student learning. More information is available at
Artist talk and reception for Polymer Skies to take place Oct. 23
An artist talk and reception for visiting artist exhibit, “Polymer Skies”, will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 2 – 4:30 p.m. in the LJR Center for the Arts Gallery. Artist Debbie Kauffman will discuss her creative process and answer questions. Kauffman’s work utilizes post-consumer waste plastics in traditional quilt pattern blocks to celebrate traditional craftsmanship and our connection to the North Dakota landscape – but also the dangerous impact of plastics and waste on our home.
Polymer Skies, on display in the gallery through Nov. 22, features a collection of intricately crafted quilted pieces that reimagine traditional quilt block patterns using found and upcycled plastic materials. Each piece reflects Kauffman’s deep connection to the North Dakota landscape, allowing the artist “to give a voice to my thoughts, express my concern for the environment and illustrate the love I have for this place, I call home.”
For more information about Kauffman’s artwork and process, visit
VCSU hosting Tomorrow's Teachers visit days
Valley City State University’s award-winning education department is hosting a pair of day-long events for high school students considering a teaching career.
Tomorrow’s Teachers Visit Days are scheduled for Oct. 30 and Nov. 13 on the VCSU campus. High school students interested in elementary education or secondary education careers are invited to attend one of the visit days. They will have the opportunity to attend education classes with current university students, take a campus tour, enjoy an on-campus lunch in the Student Center, and visit with students currently enrolled in VCSU’s education programs.
“This is a great opportunity for high school students to truly experience a day in the life of education majors at VCSU,” said Allen Burgad, Dean for the VCSU School of Education. “We want students to get a realistic experience on their visit as they decide if VCSU and teaching are in their future.”
Students interested in attending one of the Tomorrow’s Teachers events are asked to pre-register at
The Visit Day runs from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. VCSU will donate a $500 scholarship to the school district sending the highest number of students to the event.
Valley City State is a regional leader in teacher education and awards more bachelor’s degrees in education than any other university in the state. At latest count, there are 1,526 VCSU alumni working as teachers or administrators in 346 North Dakota schools.
VCSU’s McCarthy Hall is currently undergoing a $13.5 million renovation and when completed next fall it will be the new home for VCSU’s School of Education with modern classrooms, labs, and the latest technology needed to train future teachers.
For questions about Tomorrow’s Teachers Visit Days, please contact Rachel Bopp in the School of Education at
VCSU clinical counselors present at the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
Sara Schmuhl and Kelsie Carter, VCSU clinical counselors, presented to the North Dakota Army National Guard on Oct. 13 on the topic of building resiliency through hard times as the service members transition into deployment. Local national guard members, who will deploy this week, were on campus Oct. 13 & 15 participating in the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program. This program connects service members and their families with the resources they have earned, before and after deployment.
Library staff attend North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference

Tuya Dutton, director for library services and Hannah Beebe, research and instruction librarian attended the 2024 North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Bismarck, Oct. 3-4. The conference theme: INSPIRE, focused on advancing library workplaces and services. The keynotes centered on how libraries can support their employees through fostering healthier and more compassionate work environments. Other sessions addressed topics such as diversity in collections, addressing challenges around censorship, mental health and self-care for librarians, fostering life-long learning through reading and team building through innovative programming. Overall, the conference emphasized the importance of creating inclusive, supportive, and dynamic library spaces, both for staff and patrons.
Beebe co-led a poster presentation about the Employee Summer Reading Challenge with Amanda Walch from the University of Jamestown. They shared the process for putting together the challenge as well as how successful the challenge was. The poster is currently on display at the University of Jamestown but will be displayed at the VCSU library next month.
Meet education graduate Saige Forseth
Saige Forseth has spent the last few years pursuing her dream of becoming an elementary educator. She added on three endorsements and a minor in Spanish before graduating as the outstanding student in Elementary Education.
Name: Saige Forseth
Hometown: Hillsboro, N.D.
Major/Minor: Major in Elementary Education, minor in Spanish, endorsements in Reading, Coaching, and S.T.E.M. Education.
Graduation Date: May 2024
Favorite teacher: Joan Klein or Harmony Richman
Favorite book to read to Elementary students: The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
What brought you to VCSU?
My passion for education and the environment VCSU creates. When I first toured VCSU, I fell in love with their education program because of the many experiences I would get in the classroom. I also felt right at home and excited when I talked to different people on campus when I first stepped on campus.
What did you enjoy about your time on campus?
I enjoyed being involved on campus the most. I have the best memories being on campus whether I was going to an event or going to a meeting with one of the clubs/organizations I joined. Getting involved made my experience at VCSU the best!
Why did you choose Elementary Education?
I chose Elementary Education because I love to help others see success. I love to be positive and cheer others on. Helping students recognize their success and progress is contagious!
Did the classes you took at VCSU help prepare you for your career?
Absolutely! I had lots of great conversations, opportunities to collaborate, and experiences in an elementary school classroom.
Do you have any advice for incoming students in the Elementary Education program?
My advice is to get into the classroom as much as possible. Get your Substitute Teaching License as soon as you can! We have a great subbing program at VCSU that helps pre-service teachers get a jumpstart on classroom experience through subbing in elementary classrooms.
What was your favorite class and why?
My favorite class at VCSU was Educational Technology. I learned how to use different manipulatives, applications and websites as aids in teaching to enhance learning and engagement!
Viking sports update
Valley City State football defeated Jamestown 38-7 Saturday in the 2024 Ag Bowl with five different Vikings scoring touchdowns in the game. Exavian Westbrook scored a touchdown on a 96-yard kickoff return and was named NSAA Special Teams Player of the Week. VCSU now has a week off before playing at Dakota State on Oct. 26.
VCSU Volleyball went 0-3 at the Frontier/NSAA Crossover last week in Billings, Mont. The Vikings also dropped a three-set match to Dakota Wesleyan University Tuesday night. VCSU fell out of the NAIA Top 25 Coaches’ Poll this week, and is now 10-11 on the season. VCSU begins the second half of its conference schedule this weekend with a Friday game at Dickinson and a Saturday game at Jamestown.
Cross Country
The VCSU Cross Country teams competed at the Marauders Open on Oct. 11 where Karly Just shattered her own 6K school record by nearly a minute, finishing the race with a time of 22:27.8. She was also named NSAA Runner of the Week for the third time this season.
Upcoming Events
Oct. 17: Women’s Basketball scrimmage vs. Dawson Community College, 5 p.m. (W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse)
Oct. 18: Volleyball at Dickinson State, 4 p.m. CT (Dickinson, N.D.)
Oct. 19: Volleyball at No. 2 Jamestown, 1 p.m. (Jamestown, N.D.)
What's happening at VCSU and around Valley City...
Thursday, Oct. 17
Viking Visit Day
10:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Vaccination Clinic, Student Center
Friday, Oct. 18
National Day on Writing
Saturday, Oct. 19
1 p.m. Free Public Planetarium Show, VCSU Planetarium (Rhoades 309)
Sunday, Oct. 20
7:30 p.m. Fall Choral Concert, LJR Center for the Arts Performance Hall
Saturday, Oct. 26
Sanborn Fall Events
1 – 4 p.m. Vendor Show, J & L’s Bar & Grill
1 – 5 p.m. Kid’s Halloween Costume Party, Sanborn Community Center
Sunday, Oct. 27
4 – 7 p.m. Ham dinner, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (Sanborn)