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Ekow Ephrim, MFA

Assistant Professor

Ekow Ephrim, MFA


Office Location
  • Center for the Arts 120

Ekow Ephrim earned his B.A. in Graphic Design from the University of Education Winneba, Ghana in 2015, and his MFA in Studio Art with a concentration in Graphic Design from Indiana University, Bloomington in 2020. His research interest includes design for social impact, data visualization, brand identity systems, and visual storytelling. Ekow’s work examines the use of graphic design as a visual provocative device to create a positive social impact. More broadly, his work challenges the disciplinary boundaries of graphic design to unfold and define opportunities for change. He uses diverse processes like printmaking, digital design, and photography to inform his design practice. As an instructor of record at Indiana University Bloomington from 2019-2020, he taught color’s fundamental principles and formal elements, its contextual meaning, sociological connotations, and its significance in the field of art, design, and merchandising. Before pursuing his MFA, he worked with publishing and design firms in Ghana, where his clients included the University of Cape Coast, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Global Environment Facility (GEF), African Information Movement (AIM), to mention a few.