Email from VCSU Health Services 3/26/21
Public Health COVID Vaccine Clinic – April 1st – open to all individuals age 18 and up!
City County Health District is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on Thursday, April 1st – this clinic is open to all individuals age 18 and up!
**You will be automatically registered for your 2nd dose at the same appointment time, 28 days following your first dose (April 29th).**
To register for this clinic CLICK HERE.
(Local pharmacies offering vaccine: Thrifty White Drug and Nucara; call to make an appointment)
Why wait? Vaccinate!
Getting vaccinated will save lives.
- Getting vaccinated not only protects you from getting sick, but may also protect your family, friends, and your fellow co-workers from the virus.
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
- As of March 23rd, 2021, over 126 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in the U.S. under the most intense safety monitoring in our country’s history.
Fully vaccinated individuals (starting two weeks post-vaccination) do not have to quarantine if exposed to COVID-19.
Side effects from vaccinating against COVID-19 are typically mild and resolve on their own in 1-2 days.
- The most common side effects are pain at the site of injection, feeling tired, headache, body aches, chills, and fever.
- Severe allergic reactions to vaccination are rare and manageable with treatment.
The risks of COVID-19 infection are real.
- 1 in 525 North Dakotans have died from COVID-19.
- 1 in 200 North Dakotans have been hospitalized from COVID-19.
- 1 in 8 North Dakotans have tested positive for COVID-19.
- Even people with COVID-19 who are not hospitalized or who have mild illness can experience long-term symptoms.
Betty Tykwinski, MSN, RN
Director for Health & Wellness Services
Valley City State University
101 College St SW