Hotline // February 8, 2023
This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:
- Giving Hearts Day tomorrow
- Global Exploration Club pancake breakfast set for Feb. 12
- VCSU Department of Music presents Instrumental Concert
- Reule reviews American Council on Education
- VCSU to Host Choral & Solo Song Festival
- Wangrud receives Difference Maker award
- Viking Sports Update
- What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…
Giving Hearts Day tomorrow
The VCSU Foundation will participate in Giving Hearts Day on Thursday, Feb. 9 for the 7th consecutive year.
In 2022, 235 generous donors raised $18,524. Those dollars help VCSU students through scholarship support in addition to hosting alumni gatherings, award programs, Homecoming activities, and publish the alumni newsletter The Bulletin.
On Thursday, Feb. 9, supporters can donate $10 or more at by choosing the VCSU Foundation. The donation will be matched up to $5,000.
Donations can also be dropped off anytime between now and 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 9, at the VCSU Foundation Office. Checks delivered before Feb. 9, must be dated Feb. 9 and reference Giving Hearts Day in the memo section in order for the donation to be counted for the match. The matching gift is provided by Ludvigson, Braun & Co. — Matt Pedersen.
For more information about how to support VCSU during Giving Hearts Day contact the Foundation Office.
Global Exploration Club pancake breakfast set for Feb. 12
Join the Global Exploration Club with help from the Knights of Columbus for a delicious pancake breakfast on Feb. 12 from 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in the St. Catherine’s basement. The menu includes pancakes, baked ham, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, orange juice, coffee and water.
Free-will donations are appreciated at the event or at
The VCSU Global Exploration Club is a group of students seeking opportunities to study abroad and grow through experiences such as:
▪ Making cross-cultural comparisons
▪ Improving language skills
▪ Diversifying knowledge base
▪ Volunteering services
VCSU Department of Music presents instrumental concert
VCSU Department of Music invites you to attend the instrumental concert on Feb. 17. The concert will take place in the Performance Hall in the Center for the Arts at 7:30 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public.
Reule reviews American Council on Education
Dr. Jonna Reule, associate professor for communication arts, recently participated in a week-long review for the American Council on Education (ACE). Review teams are chosen competitively from a pool of qualified faculty from across the country. Dr. Reule was able to review alongside many distinguished faculty members.
VCSU to host Choral & Solo Song Festival
Choral and Solo Song Festival held at the brand-new Center for the Arts March 3 & 4, 2023
High school vocalists are invited to join the Music Department at VCSU for a festival designed to prepare students for Solo and Ensemble Contests. The festival will provide high school students with the opportunity to work on solo repertoire through lessons and masterclasses with three clinicians while developing their skills as a choral singer with VCSU’s Concert Choir. Five masterclass participants will be selected to perform their prepared solo for the final Festival Concert. Registration is $20 per student and the registration deadline is Feb. 15, 2023.
What will I get out of the experience? Improved vocal technique – both as a soloist and as a choral artist, individual feedback from vocal experts, collegiate-level choir experience.
Registration open until February 15, 2023:
Wangrud receives Difference Maker award
Sarah Wangrud, administrative assistant for academic and student affairs, recently received the Difference Maker award. She was nominated by student affairs.
Her nomination read, “Sarah is so helpful to all those she works with. She is one who says, ‘How can I help?’ or ‘Send it over and I will fix it/take a look.’ She has been with VCSU for 2 years and it seems like longer with all the knowledge she has. I appreciate her dedication to doing things quickly, efficiently, and always with a smile. Sarah is always willing to help out/volunteer when asked for events that are outside of her normal work hours. The Student Affairs office is so grateful to have Sarah keeping us all on track.”
Congratulations, Sarah!
Viking Sports Update
Women’s Basketball
Feb. 3: VCSU 75, Waldorf University 57
Feb. 4: VCSU 79, Viterbo University 78
The VCSU women’s basketball team won a pair of road games this weekend, including a buzzer-beating victory at Viterbo University. The Vikings now have a 14-10 overall record and are 7-4 in conference play.
Men’s Basketball
Feb. 3: VCSU 58, Waldorf University 49
Feb. 4: Viterbo University 94, VCSU 62
The VCSU men’s basketball team split its road games this past weekend. The Vikings are now 13-12 overall and 6-5 in conference play.
Track & Field
VCSU’s Jasmine Barnes won the 5000 meters and Jaiden Peraza had a pair of Top 5 finishes as the Vikings competed at the large Bison Open this past weekend. Read more:
Feb. 4: VCSU 17, U-Mary 12; Carroll College 7, VCSU 6; VCSU 12, Dakota Wesleyan 9
Feb. 5: Minot State 10, VCSU 7
Viking Softball started the 2023 season with a 2-2 record at the Minot State Dome Tournament. The Vikings travel to Aberdeen this weekend for four games at the Presentation College Dome Tournament.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 10: Softball at PC Dome, 3/5:30 p.m. (Aberdeen, S.D.)
Feb. 10: WBB/MBB vs. Bellevue University, 5:30/7:30 p.m.
Feb. 11: Softball at PC Dome, 12:30/3 p.m. (Aberdeen, S.D.)
Feb. 11: WBB/MBB vs. Dakota State, 3/5 p.m.
What's happening at VCSU and around Valley City...
Find out what’s happening in the community on the Valley City Community Calendar:
Find out what’s happening at the VCSU Center for the Arts:
February 9
Giving Hearts Day
February 12
9 a.m. – noon Global Exploration Club, St. Catherine’s basement
February 17
7:30 p.m. Instrumental Concert, CFA Performance Hall
February 21
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. VCSU Career Expo, Student Center
Community Club meetings
- Valley City Community Band – every Thursday, VCSU Center for the Arts Room 171
- Kiwanis – Wednesdays at noon, Valley City Town & Country Club
- Optimist Club – Thursdays at 7:00 a.m., Vicky’s Viking Room
- Rotary Club – Tuesdays at noon, VCSU
- Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals – 2nd Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Our Saviors Lutheran Church
- Barnes County Wildlife Federation – 2nd Wednesday of the month
- Grief Journeys for Adults Support Group – meet virtually, call Hospice at 701-845-1781 to take part