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Karly Just

Jan 27, 2025

Karly smiling at the camera with a dog

As an active soldier in the North Dakota National Guard, Karly Just is passionate about living an active lifestyle and helping those around her do the same. Now a student athlete, Just can’t wait to share her passions with the next generation of runners.

Hometown: LaMoure, N.D.
Year: Senior
Major: Applied Kinesiology
Activities on campus: Track & field, cross country, marathon, tutor, and student project lead for a nutrition and fitness clinic run by the KHP department.

What made you choose to major in applied kinesiology?

I chose this degree because I am passionate about health and fitness and want to help others achieve their goals and become their best selves. The human body is a unique, complex machine capable of so much if taken care of and trained properly. I love running and plan to become a collegiate or professional running coach. My end goal is to work with athletes and continue to be a runner myself.

What has been your favorite memory so far?

My favorite memory has always been the Halloween costume contest Coach Rak holds in the strength and conditioning gym in the bubble. Last year, I dressed as the Grinch, and this year, I dressed as an 80s fitness instructor! We athletes love competing with each other and going all out on our costumes. Seeing the gym packed with costumes and everyone having a good time is super fun.

Favorite spot on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is the track and bubble. From placing 3rd in the conference for steeple chase my freshman year when Valley hosted the conference meet to having tons of hardcore workouts, I have made many good memories there. I love working with my coach, Taryn Brown, and I always look forward to learning from her, working hard with my teammates, and becoming stronger.


I chose VCSU for several reasons. My mom, Kelli Just, went here and enjoyed her experience. She is a proud Viking and recommended the college to me.  I wanted a college closer to home with a small-town atmosphere. I also chose Valley City because of its work with the military. As a North Dakota National Guard soldier, I support active military personnel and veterans. I enjoy the small class sizes and the staff’s willingness to work with me.

Any advice for those considering VCSU?

Valley City is the college where you can chase passion. You must chase your dreams and stop at nothing to achieve them. Valley City has made me realize how capable I am, both academically and athletically. Valley City has all the resources to be successful and will help you achieve your goals.