11 new faculty join VCSU
By the time you read this, Valley City State University will have completed its first day of the new academic year—a day of welcome and workshops for our new faculty and staff.
We are excited this year to welcome 11 new faculty to campus. That may sound like a lot, but it’s not unusual in higher education for faculty to seek advancement in their careers by moving to a new position in a larger department or university. We also have faculty who are looking each year for positions closer to their families. And, of course, there are retirements.
Our new faculty this year replace faculty who have retired or moved on to the next stage of their career, so they represent the constant renewal in education—new ideas, new strategies, new students, new conversations, new successes—in a word, innovation. In my column this week, I’d like to introduce them briefly by department.
First, Angela Mircsov, MFA, will be replacing Karri Dieken in the Art Department. Angela is both an educator and an artist. She has been an educator in St. Louis, Mo., for the past seven years, teaching at the university level as well as in her community. Angela enjoys nature and captures this in her various forms of art, which include drawing, painting, printmaking, digital media, and design.
In the Business Department, Tammy Katuin and Jacqueline McGlade will replace Morgan Keasler and Brenda Finger. Both Tammy and Jackie will teach a variety of business subjects, including marketing, management, finance, and economics.
In Music, we look forward to the work of Daniel Becker (clarinetist), and Jerrold Heide (low brass and band instructor). Heide replaces Dr. Meyers as band director, and Dr. Becker fills a gap in our woodwind instruction area. Both Dan and Jere have been teaching in K-12 positions, Dan in Arizona and Jere in Nebraska.
In Science, Kevin Murphy will replace Dr. Sam Keasler in Chemistry, and Corey Askin will replace Dr. Susan Kilgore in Geology.
Jason Dockter, a VCSU grad and most recently a teacher in Kulm, N.D., will join the Technology Department to replace recently retired Lana Fornes.
And, in the School of Education and Graduate Studies, we welcome three new faculty: Yvonne Cannon (reading instruction and supervision of the sub program), Tim Michaelson (field experience coordinator), and Harmony Richman (teaching technology and elementary math).
At a time when budget challenges are having a strong impact on higher education in North Dakota, we are fortunate that enrollment growth in a number of areas allows us to replace faculty and continue our forward momentum. It’s always sad to say goodbye to good colleagues and friends, but we also anticipate new energy and great teaching from our new faculty.
As you meet these new people in the community, please help them feel at home here in Valley City.