Coronavirus Campus Communication
Email from VCSU Safety Office 6/19/20
Jun 19, 2020
As employees start returning to work and offices start opening for business, we wanted to send a reminder of the following employee expectations to help reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19 on campus:
- Wearing a proper face covering is required in buildings based on university guidelines, e.g. When social distancing cannot or may not be maintained such as in hallways, restrooms, entrances to buildings and rooms, as posted at the entrance of specific offices, etc.
- Gatherings are not to exceed 10 individuals (at this time). Practice physical distancing (6 feet).
- Meetings should continue remotely when possible.
- Start any meeting with safety and health reminders, e.g. pick one of the items on this list.
- All employees have been informed of hygiene and health etiquette in the office, including the following:
- If you have to sneeze, use a tissue or the crook of your elbow. Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Use a disinfectant to wipe down surfaces such as your desk, keyboard, doorknobs, or other areas you often touch 2x per day.
- Don’t share food, wash hands and clean the handle on the fridge before opening, discontinue use of microwave, wash hands before and after eating anything, don’t leave pens and other common use items out for public use and if someone uses an item, disinfect it immediately.
- Conduct daily self-monitoring before entering the workspace.
- Take daily temperature before coming to work.
- Stay at home, if you currently have a temperature of 100.4°F OR the following new or worsening onset of symptoms — shortness of breath, chills, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and loss of sense of taste and/or smell.
- Stay home when sick. Through December 31st there is additional sick leave available under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act under specified conditions.
- Common areas must be disinfected 2x per day.
- Facilities Services will continue to clean office spaces and will more frequently clean high-touch surfaces, but offices need to clean personal workspace and shared equipment/spaces at least 2x/day. Contact FS if you have questions about what they will clean and disinfect versus what your area will clean and disinfect.
- Disinfectant, hand sanitizer and related supplies are available to all employees. Request additional supplies as needed from Facilities Services. See OneStop form.
- Review the VCSU COVID-19 Safe Operating Procedures (content no longer available) located in OneStop.
- Read all emails- updates will be given on the safe operating procedures through email communications.
Thank you,
VCSU Safety Office