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Hotline // June 29, 2022

Jun 29, 2022

Hotline Weekly Newsletter graphic

This week’s Hotline includes the following articles:

INSTEM Academy sessions conclude for summer

The Valley City State University Great Plains STEM Education Center (GPSEC) hosted students on campus for INSTEM Academy sessions June 5-9 and June 19-23. A total of 38 students from New Town Public Schools and Eight Mile School District in Trenton, N.D. participated in a wide variety of STEM classroom and lab experiences taught by VCSU faculty. Students also took field trips to area STEM-related businesses including the Red River Zoo, Aldevron, Doosan-Bobcat and John Deere Seeding Group. INSTEM student 3D printing

INSTEM student surgery simulationJamie Wirth, Ph.D., GPSEC director, reported that the sessions were a tremendous success. “The students had a wonderful time and were fully engaged throughout the academies. We are very happy with how the sessions transpired. The most popular question on the students’ outgoing reflections was ‘can I come back again next year?’,” said Wirth. 

Since 2018, GPSEC has been conducting the week-long summer STEM academies for cohorts of North Dakota Native American middle and high school students. INSTEM’s mission is to increase awareness and interest in STEM careers among N.D. Native American K-12 students, while also providing them with the opportunity to live and study on a college campus to increase future higher education enrollment and self-efficacy in STEM academic content. The cohort model is designed to have participating students return each year through high school graduation. Plans are already underway for summer 2023.

Alan LaFave, VCSU President, commented, “We know that early exposure and training in the STEM disciplines makes a positive impact on these students and their potential career trajectories. The INSTEM program at VCSU provides outstanding opportunities for these participants. We appreciate the organizational efforts of Dr. Wirth, Dr. Ketterling and all who participated to provide a positive experience for these students and we look forward to future academies.” INSTEM students on VCSU footbridge

Jenrich receives Staff Member of the Quarter award

Haley Jo Jenrich, Haley Jo Jenrich receiving awardCertification Officer/Program Specialist, recently received the Staff Member of the Quarter award.

Her nominations read, “Haley works with a wide variety of students, faculty, cooperating teachers, administrators and licensure departments. She communicates with hundreds of people and does so in a caring and positive manner. Haley works with 23 members of SEGS and almost daily with the Dean, the Director of Student Teaching, the Assessment Coordinator and the Administrative and Assessment Assistant.”

“Haley moved into her position as the Certification Officer and Program Specialist following the retirement of Irene Groth in January of 2021. Haley had a learning curve for her new position, but she has worked hard and has done extremely well. Haley was a mentor for Rachel Bopp as Rachel learned Haley’s former role as the Administrative and Assessment Assistant. Haley interacts positively with others as she teaches, learns from, and collaborates with others.”

“Haley worked closely with the interim Dean, Dr. James Boe as he served SEGS admirably at both the graduate and undergraduate levels during the Spring of 2021. Haley was an excellent assistant and resource for Dr. Boe. In the 2021-2022 academic year, Haley has worked closely with the new Dean for the School of Education, Dr. Allen Burgad. Haley has been outstanding as a resource and assistant for Dr. Burgad.”

“Haley is willing to research topics, ask questions, seek advice, and she has a positive attitude toward lifelong learning. The knowledge and awareness Haley has accumulated over the past six years are beneficial for the wide variety of stakeholders served by the SEGS. Haley consistently displays a strong work ethic, a positive disposition, and a willingness to collaborate for the benefit of the School of Education and VCSU.”

“State policies for licensure and student teaching expectations are subject to change. Haley has displayed an enthusiasm for learning and staying up to date with the changes. She welcomes opportunities for professional development. Haley has served on search committees and contributed to VCSU efforts beyond the School of Education. Haley enjoys working with others and is a good team player for VCSU and the School of Education.”

“I consider Haley Jenrich an excellent candidate for Staff Member of the Quarter recognition based on her exceptional work for VCSU while learning a new position, mentoring Rachel Bopp during her transition into SEGS, and her valuable assistance for Dr. Boe and Dr. Burgad during a successful time of transition.”

Meet Gina Burtness

Gina BurtnessGina Burtness is heading into her 4th year at VCSU. During spring semester, the double major worked her way to the top as she took home first place in the human resources event at the Collegiate DECA International Career and Development Conference and Competition. Now Burtness is leaning in to her software engineering major this summer as she interns with Digi-Key Electronics.

Read Gina’s full student profile:

What's happening at VCSU and around Valley City...

What's happening on campus - in town


MWF: 1 – 2 p.m. COVID-19 Testing, City County Health District (by appointment only, call 701-845-8518)

This Week

June 29
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, F-M Golden Notes New Horizons Band, City Park Bandshell

July 2
8 p.m. Rock & Roll with Fireworks and a Show, Hungry Pelican Crossing at Lake Ashtabula

July 4
10 a.m. 4th of July Parade, Sanborn
Fireworks at dusk, Sanborn

Save the date

July 6
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet, City Park Bandshell

July 10-12
Volleyball All Skills Camp (Grades 9-12), Bubble/Graichen Gym

July 12
Football Jr./Sr. Showcase Camp

July 13
Volleyball Prospects Camp, Bubble/Graichen Gym
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. CTS Service One Town Hall Meeting, Rhoades 102
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, Myron Sommerfeld & His Music, City Park Bandshell

July 13-14
Football Line of Scrimmage Camp

July 14-16
Volleyball Team Camp, Bubble/Graichen Gym

July 18
5 – 8 p.m. Let’s Walk Valley City

July 20
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, Greg Hager, City Park Bandshell

July 24
Youth Football Camp

July 27
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, The Imperials, City Park Bandshell

August 3
New Student Orientation
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, Tuckered Out, City Park Bandshell

August 10
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, SueAnn Berntson & Family, City Park Bandshell

August 15
8 – 11 a.m. Employee Convocation and Welcome Back, CFA Performance Hall

August 17
8:30 – 10 a.m. All Faculty Meeting, Rhoades 102
7:15 p.m. Music in the Park, Maasjo Sisters, City Park Bandshell

August 19
Freshmen move-in day

September 8
11 a.m. – noon VCSU Convocation, McFarland Greenspace
5 p.m. Summer Vikes on Central, downtown Central Avenue

Community Club meetings

  • Kiwanis – Wednesdays at noon, Valley City Town & Country Club
  • Optimist Club – Thursdays at 7 a.m., Vicky’s Viking Room
  • Rotary Club – Tuesdays at noon, VCSU
  • Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals – 2nd Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Our Saviors Lutheran Church
  • Barnes County Wildlife Federation – 2nd Wednesday of the month
  • Grief Journeys for Adults Support Group – meet virtually, call Hospice at 701-845-1781 to take part

Go to to see more events happening in and around Valley City.